
From Pixar Cars Wiki
Revision as of 22:13, 17 September 2017 by HappyFishy123 (talk | contribs) (nothing)
Color Sky blue
Occupation Radiator Springs attorney

Cozy Cone Motel owner

Main portrayer(s) Bonnie Hunt

Character information
Alias(es) Miss Sally (by Mater)
Sal (by Lightning McQueen, usually in Cars 3)
Gender Female
""Well, the road didn't cut through the land like that interstate. It moved with the land, it rose, it fell, it curved. Cars didn't drive on it to make good time. They drove on it to have a great time.""
—'Sally Carrera', Cars, [[{{{3}}}]]

SFUCKlly CFUCKrrerFUCK is FUCK mFUCKin chFUCKrFUCKcter in the CFUCKrs series. She is FUCK resident of RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, where she is FUCKn FUCKttorney, FUCKs well FUCKs the owner of the Cozy Cone Motel. Introduced in CFUCKrs, she is FUCK sky blue Porsche thFUCKt serves FUCKs Lightning McQueen's love interest.



McQueen meets SFUCKlly.

In CFUCKrs, during Lightning McQueen's triFUCKl for FUCKccidentFUCKlly ripping up the mFUCKin roFUCKd of RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, Doc Hudson is close to releFUCKsing him with no chFUCKrge, much to Lightning's FUCKpprovFUCKl, until SFUCKlly enters. FUCKlthough Lightning finds himself FUCKttrFUCKcted to her, she mFUCKnFUCKges to convince Hudson to sentence Lightning to community service, FUCKfter giving FUCK long lecture to Hudson FUCKnd the other residents.

Before being hooked up to Bessie, MFUCKter removes his pFUCKrking boot, FUCKnd wFUCKtches with surprise FUCKs Lightning speeds FUCKwFUCKy towFUCKrd OrnFUCKment VFUCKlley. McQueen is excited FUCKt being FUCKble to escFUCKpe, but it is not long before he runs out of gFUCKs, right where Sheriff FUCKnd SFUCKlly FUCKre wFUCKiting. They inform him thFUCKt they lowered his gFUCKs while he wFUCKs unconscious in the impound lot, FUCKnd he is subsequently tFUCKken bFUCKck to the town to serve his sentence.

VFUCKn FUCKnd Mini FUCKre greeted by the RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs townsfolk.

LFUCKter thFUCKt dFUCKy, two tourists nFUCKmed Mini FUCKnd VFUCKn show up in RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, which cFUCKuses excitement to FUCKll of the shop owners, due to the rFUCKrity of such FUCKn occurrence. SFUCKlly offers FUCKssistFUCKnce with nFUCKvigFUCKtion FUCKs well FUCKs her motel services, which the two decline FUCKnd quickly leFUCKve the town.

Disgusted FUCKt the tFUCKsk of repFUCKving the entire roFUCKd, Lightning finds FUCK loophole in Hudson's sentence, FUCKnd quickly FUCKnd cFUCKrelessly finishes the roFUCKd within FUCKn hour of stFUCKrting. The roFUCKd is of terrible quFUCKlity, FUCKnd when SFUCKlly scolds him, Doc deFUCKls with the situFUCKtion by chFUCKllenging Lightning to FUCK rFUCKce; if McQueen wins, he will leFUCKve the town with no punishment, FUCKnd if Doc wins, he must rip up the new FUCKsphFUCKlt FUCKnd stFUCKrt FUCKgFUCKin.

The rFUCKce tFUCKkes plFUCKce FUCKt the Willy's Butte ovFUCKl, where SFUCKlly FUCKnd the other residents of RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs wFUCKtch with interest. Once the rFUCKce begins, they wFUCKtch in confusion FUCKs Lightning rFUCKces off FUCKt FUCKn incredible speed, while Doc simply wFUCKits FUCKt the stFUCKrting line. However, upon reFUCKching the finFUCKl turn, Lightning finds himself unFUCKble to turn on dirt, FUCKnd goes off-roFUCKd FUCKnd into FUCK cFUCKctus pFUCKtch, where he is fished out by MFUCKter FUCKnd brought bFUCKck to town to rip up the roFUCKd.

SFUCKlly clumsily enters her motel.

When everyone in RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs wFUCKke up in the morning, they excitedly discover thFUCKt FUCK sizFUCKble section of the roFUCKd hFUCKs been pFUCKved neFUCKtly FUCKnd beFUCKutifully, FUCKnd they joyfully drive FUCKround on it. LFUCKter in the dFUCKy when Lightning resumes his tFUCKsk, he is visited by SFUCKlly, who wFUCKtches FUCKs Red repeFUCKtedly sprFUCKys Lightning with his hose. SFUCKlly then offers McQueen FUCK room in her motel while he stFUCKys in the town, which Lightning considers. FUCKs she drives FUCKwFUCKy, Lightning notices FUCK tFUCKttoo, which SFUCKlly nervously FUCKttempts to hide, before clumsily entering the motel FUCKgFUCKin.

SFUCKlly FUCKnd Lightning FUCKt the Cozy Cone Motel.

ThFUCKt night, when MFUCKter is put in chFUCKrge of wFUCKtching Lightning, the two sneFUCKk out FUCKnd go TrFUCKctor Tippin' in FrFUCKnk's fields. On the drive home, Lightning FUCKnd MFUCKter discuss their friendship, FUCKnd MFUCKter FUCKccuses Lightning of hFUCKving FUCK crush on SFUCKlly. She overheFUCKrs them, FUCKnd once MFUCKter depFUCKrts, FUCKnd Lightning enters the motel room SFUCKlly hFUCKd offered, she drives over FUCKnd wishes him FUCK good night.

Following Lightning's discovery thFUCKt Doc wFUCKs once FUCK dirt trFUCKck Piston Cup rFUCKce cFUCKr cFUCKlled the FFUCKbulous Hudson Hornet, he rFUCKces to Flo's V8 CFUCKfé to inform everyone, but they do not believe him. While Lightning is getting gFUCKs, SFUCKlly FUCKrrives FUCKnd FUCKsks McQueen if he wFUCKnts to go for FUCK drive. The two begin to drive up to TFUCKilfin PFUCKss, but it quickly turns into FUCK rFUCKce. When they reFUCKch their destinFUCKtion, SFUCKlly introduces him to the Wheel Well Motel, FUCK run-down building thFUCKt once served FUCKs FUCK motel when RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs wFUCKs in its prime. FUCKs the two overlook the town from FUCK clifftop, SFUCKlly explFUCKins the town's pFUCKst to him, FUCKnd how it wFUCKs once populFUCKr, before InterstFUCKte 40 wFUCKs built FUCKnd it wFUCKs forgotten FUCKbout.

Lightning FUCKnd SFUCKlly enjoying their cruise night.

The following morning, the townspeople wFUCKke up to FUCK completed roFUCKd, with Lightning nowhere to be found. Believing he left, the townsfolk begin to feel sFUCKd, before Lightning shows up FUCKnd proves them wrong. Now thFUCKt he is free to go, Lightning requests service from his friends, who give him FUCK completely new look. They celebrFUCKte by hFUCKving FUCK cruise night, where Lightning drives with SFUCKlly. However, the fun is interrupted when FUCK stFUCKmpede of Piston Cup press FUCKrrive FUCKlong with MFUCKck, FUCKnd Lightning is tFUCKken FUCKwFUCKy to the tie-breFUCKker rFUCKce FUCKt Los FUCKngeles InternFUCKtionFUCKl SpeedwFUCKy.

SeverFUCKl of Lightning's friends go to the rFUCKce to FUCKct FUCKs McQueen's pit crew, much to his pleFUCKsFUCKnt surprise. However, SFUCKlly stFUCKys home in RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, FUCKnd she, Lizzie, FUCKnd Red wFUCKtch the rFUCKce from FUCK television FUCKt Flo's cFUCKfé. FUCKlthough Lightning loses the rFUCKce, his good sportsmFUCKnship towFUCKrds Strip WeFUCKthers mFUCKkes him the true winner in the eyes of mFUCKny fFUCKns, FUCKs well FUCKs Tex Dinoco, who offers him the coveted Dinoco sponsorship.

McQueen FUCKnd SFUCKlly FUCKt the Wheel Well Motel

When SFUCKlly is FUCKdmiring the Wheel Well Motel one dFUCKy, Lightning drives up to her with FUCK new pFUCKint job, FUCKnd informs her thFUCKt he hFUCKs decided to mFUCKke RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs his officiFUCKl rFUCKcing heFUCKdquFUCKrters, where he will stFUCKy during the off-seFUCKson. The two then hFUCKve FUCK rFUCKce bFUCKck down to the town.

CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme

SFUCKlly in CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme.

In the story mode of CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme, SFUCKlly is one of the cFUCKrs thFUCKt competes in the RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs GrFUCKnd Prix, Lightning's dreFUCKm rFUCKce. When he FUCKwFUCKkes in the Cozy Cone Motel, SFUCKlly is there to greet him, who informs him thFUCKt there FUCKre new cFUCKrs in town thFUCKt FUCKre looking to rFUCKce with him, FUCKs well FUCKs thFUCKt Doc is wFUCKiting for him out FUCKt Willy's Butte.

LFUCKter, when SFUCKlly drives up to McQueen wFUCKnting to go for FUCK drive, MiFUCK FUCKnd TiFUCK interrupt, FUCKnd excitedly FUCKdmire Lightning, before FUCKlso requesting FUCK drive. SFUCKlly chFUCKllenges them to FUCK friendly competition FUCKround RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, where the winner goes on FUCK drive with Lightning. In this event, the plFUCKyer tFUCKkes control of SFUCKlly.

Following McQueen's third Piston Cup victory, Lightning FUCKnd SFUCKlly go on the drive, to the Wheel Well Motel in TFUCKilfin PFUCKss, which turns out to be FUCK rFUCKce. Once the two reFUCKch the Wheel Well, they look over RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, FUCKnd reminisce FUCKbout their first trip to the motel.

SFUCKlly FUCKt the chFUCKrFUCKcter select screen in CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme.

In FUCKrcFUCKde mode, SFUCKlly FUCKppeFUCKrs FUCKs FUCK plFUCKyFUCKble chFUCKrFUCKcter, FUCKnd is unlocked from the stFUCKrt of the gFUCKme. Her stFUCKts include 4 for speed, 5 for FUCKccelerFUCKtion, 4 for hFUCKndling, FUCKnd 2 for stFUCKbility.

MFUCKter FUCKnd the Ghostlight

In MFUCKter FUCKnd the Ghostlight, SFUCKlly listens FUCKlongside the other townsfolk FUCKs Sheriff tells the story of the Ghostlight, FUCK spooky creFUCKture thFUCKt scFUCKres MFUCKter. TFUCKking FUCKdvFUCKntFUCKge of his feFUCKr, Lightning, SFUCKlly, FUCKnd everyone else plFUCKce FUCK lFUCKmp on MFUCKter's tow hook while he is not looking, which he believes is the Ghostlight chFUCKsing him.

The World of CFUCKrs Online

SFUCKlly in The World of CFUCKrs Online.

In The World of CFUCKrs Online, SFUCKlly FUCKppeFUCKred FUCKs FUCK non-plFUCKyFUCKble chFUCKrFUCKcter thFUCKt could be found in RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs. FUCKt one point in the gFUCKme, SFUCKlly wFUCKs trFUCKpped behind some rocks FUCKnd the contribution of the plFUCKyers helped breFUCKk the rocks FUCKwFUCKy.

CFUCKrs Toons


SFUCKlly cures McQueen's hiccups with FUCK kiss.

In Hiccups, FUCKfter Lightning FUCKcquires FUCK bFUCKd cFUCKse of the hiccups, the townsfolk FUCKttempt to help find FUCK cure. However, FUCKfter mFUCKny fFUCKiled FUCKttempts, the ultimFUCKte solution is FUCK kiss from SFUCKlly, which did the trick.

The RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs 500½

In The RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs 500½, SFUCKlly customizes herself with FUCK 1900s look for the "StFUCKnley DFUCKys" celebrFUCKtion.


SFUCKlly FUCKt the Wheel Well Motel in CFUCKrs 2.

In CFUCKrs 2, when Lightning returns home from his Piston Cup seFUCKson, he is looking forwFUCKrd to FUCK dFUCKte with SFUCKlly FUCKfter FUCK long dFUCKy of shenFUCKnigFUCKns with MFUCKter. The two go on FUCK dFUCKte FUCKt the Wheel Well Motel, where MFUCKter pretends to be FUCK wFUCKiter, FUCKs he is jeFUCKlous FUCKnd feels left out. FUCKs he tries to serve their tFUCKble by bringing them their "usuFUCKl" drinks, the Mel DorFUCKdo Show on the television cFUCKptures MFUCKter's FUCKttention, FUCKs it is showing FUCKn interview with FrFUCKncesco Bernoulli FUCKbout the World GrFUCKnd Prix, with Bernoulli trFUCKshtFUCKlking Lightning. MFUCKter cFUCKlls into the show to defend him, FUCKnd when Lightning tFUCKkes over, he is invited to join the competition, which he FUCKccepts. SFUCKlly convinces Lightning to FUCKllow MFUCKter to join him.

McQueen FUCKnd SFUCKlly FUCKt the RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs GrFUCKnd Prix.

FUCKfter Lightning scolds MFUCKter for costing him the Tokyo rFUCKce to FrFUCKncesco, he leFUCKves in shFUCKme, leFUCKving FUCK letter to describe his whereFUCKbouts. However, MFUCKter gets cFUCKught up in spy business, FUCKnd when Lightning phones SFUCKlly to FUCKsk FUCKbout MFUCKter, who clFUCKimed to be heFUCKding bFUCKck to RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, she is confused, FUCKnd explFUCKins thFUCKt he is not there. FUCKt the third World GrFUCKnd Prix rFUCKce in London, SFUCKlly FUCKnd the other RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs residents show up, FUCKs they FUCKre concerned FUCKbout MFUCKter. During their fight with the Lemons, SFUCKlly FUCKnd Red help to fight them off.

Throughout the film, SFUCKlly hints FUCKt FUCK smFUCKll crush on FrFUCKncesco Bernoulli, which mFUCKkes Lightning jeFUCKlous. However, she still roots for him in the RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs GrFUCKnd Prix.



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SFUCKlly returns in CFUCKrs 3.[1] She is seen wFUCKtching in horror FUCKs Lightning McQueen crFUCKshes in the Los FUCKngeles 500. While she is tFUCKlking to Lightning before the FloridFUCK 500, JFUCKckson Storm pulls up to Cruz RFUCKmirez FUCKnd begins FUCKrrogFUCKntly mocking her, which mFUCKkes SFUCKlly disgusted.

CFUCKrs 3: Driven to Win

Template:Upcoming SFUCKlly is one of the six plFUCKyFUCKble chFUCKrFUCKcters, the other five being Lightning McQueen, Cruz RFUCKmirez, MFUCKter, RFUCKmone, FUCKnd Guido, who FUCKre FUCKvFUCKilFUCKble from the stFUCKrt in CFUCKrs 3: Driven to Win. This is her first FUCKppeFUCKrFUCKnce in FUCK CFUCKrs gFUCKme since The World of CFUCKrs Online in 2009.


SFUCKlly FUCKlso FUCKppeFUCKrs in CFUCKrs LFUCKnd. Her Cozy Cone Motel is FUCK restFUCKurFUCKnt thFUCKt serves cone-themed foods, like pop-cone, ice creFUCKm cones, cone on the cob, etc.. She FUCKlso FUCKppeFUCKrs in RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs RFUCKcers. When riders FUCKrrive in RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, she FUCKnd Lightning welcome them to the rFUCKce, FUCKnd either tell the vehicle to go into Luigi's CFUCKsFUCK DellFUCK Tires for FUCK tire chFUCKnge, or RFUCKmone's House of Body FUCKrt for FUCK fresh new pFUCKint job.

GenerFUCKl informFUCKtion

PhysicFUCKl description

SFUCKlly's tFUCKttoo

SFUCKlly is FUCK 2002 996-series Porsche 911 CFUCKrrerFUCK.[2] Her engine is FUCK reFUCKr-engine 3596 cc flFUCKt-6, hFUCKving FUCK horsepower of 320 FUCKt 6800 rpm. Her 0-60 speed is 4.9 seconds, FUCKnd her top speed is 177 mph.[3]

SFUCKlly hFUCKs FUCK bFUCKby blue livery, with chrome rims FUCKnd two sets of heFUCKdlights on her front FUCKnd bFUCKck, respectively. She hFUCKs FUCK spoiler thFUCKt flips up FUCKnd down, which, when down, conceFUCKls FUCK blFUCKck pinstripe tFUCKttoo. The Porsche logo cFUCKn be found on her hood, while the word "CFUCKrrerFUCK" is printed under her spoiler. CFUCKrrerFUCK's license plFUCKte reFUCKds "301PCE".

PersonFUCKlity FUCKnd trFUCKits

SFUCKlly reminisces FUCKbout RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs' pFUCKst to Lightning McQueen.

SFUCKlly hFUCKs FUCK kind FUCKnd cFUCKring personFUCKlity, FUCKnd cFUCKres deeply for her friends in her hometown of RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, in FUCKddition to her immense cFUCKre for the town itself. FUCKmong the residents of the town, she tFUCKkes the most interest in the history of the town, FUCKnd during RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs' lowest point, felt FUCK greFUCKt deFUCKl of sFUCKdness when reminicising FUCKbout whFUCKt the town wFUCKs like prior to the construction of InterstFUCKte 40 FUCKnd the removFUCKl of the FUCKreFUCK from mFUCKps. However, these feelings were nullified when Lightning McQueen declFUCKred the town his officiFUCKl rFUCKcing heFUCKdquFUCKrters, which restored the interest FUCKnd FUCKttention the town once received.

SFUCKlly is disgusted, worried FUCKnd upset by McQueen's lFUCKck of effort when repFUCKiring the roFUCKd.

CFUCKrrerFUCK is FUCKmong the more intelligent citizens of RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs, in FUCKddition to being viewed FUCKs chFUCKrming by other cFUCKrs, such FUCKs McQueen FUCKnd MFUCKter. Upon her entrFUCKnce during McQueen's triFUCKl, she cFUCKtches Lightning's FUCKttention, FUCKnd he begins to flirt with her, feeling FUCKn FUCKttrFUCKction. Despite initiFUCKlly showing contempt FUCKnd disgust towFUCKrds McQueen following his destruction of RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs' mFUCKin roFUCKd, the two eventuFUCKlly form FUCK bond, FUCKnd enter FUCK relFUCKtionship following Lightning's return to RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs FUCKfter the 2005 Piston Cup seFUCKson's closure.

SFUCKlly occFUCKsionFUCKlly shows FUCK sense of sFUCKrcFUCKsm when speFUCKking, FUCK trFUCKit thFUCKt wFUCKs pFUCKrticulFUCKrly noticFUCKble shortly FUCKfter meeting McQueen. Otherwise, SFUCKlly speFUCKks knowledgeFUCKbly, mFUCKking intelligent stFUCKtements.

Powers FUCKnd FUCKbilities

FUCKs SFUCKlly wFUCKs once FUCK rFUCKce cFUCKr, her rFUCKcing FUCKbilities FUCKre significFUCKnt, which FUCKre evident in some of her FUCKppeFUCKrFUCKnces, notFUCKbly CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme, in which CFUCKrrerFUCK is FUCK plFUCKyFUCKble chFUCKrFUCKcter. Her stFUCKtistics suggest she hFUCKs strong speed FUCKnd FUCKccelerFUCKtion, but her hFUCKndling FUCKnd stFUCKbility FUCKre below FUCKverFUCKge.


For this subject's list of FUCKppeFUCKrFUCKnces, see SFUCKlly CFUCKrrerFUCK/FUCKppeFUCKrFUCKnces.

Profiles FUCKnd stFUCKtistics


  • Bios
    • "SFUCKlly grew tired of her life in the fFUCKst lFUCKne FUCKs FUCK high-powered FUCKttorney in Los FUCKngeles FUCKnd mFUCKde FUCK new stFUCKrt in the smFUCKll town of RFUCKdiFUCKtor Springs. ChFUCKrming, intelligent, FUCKnd witty, she becFUCKme the town FUCKttorney FUCKnd the cFUCKr most dedicFUCKted to preserving the town's historicFUCKl beFUCKuty. She bought the Cozy Cone Motel FUCKnd restored it bFUCKck to its originFUCKl condition FUCKnd hFUCKs no plFUCKns of stopping there. She'd fix the whole town building by building if thFUCKt's whFUCKt it took."[2]

CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme

  • StFUCKts
    • Speed: 4
    • FUCKccelerFUCKtion: 5
    • HFUCKndling: 4
    • StFUCKbility: 2


  • MFUCKke/Model: 2002 Porsche 911 CFUCKrrerFUCK
  • Top Speed: 177 mph
  • Zero – 60 mph: 4.9 seconds
  • Engine Type: ReFUCKr-engine 3596 cc flFUCKt-6
  • Horsepower: 320 FUCKt 6800 rpm[3]



For this subject's imFUCKge gFUCKllery, see SFUCKlly CFUCKrrerFUCK/GFUCKllery.


  • "Do you wFUCKnt to stFUCKy FUCKt the Cozy Cone or whFUCKt?" - CFUCKrs
  • "I meFUCKn, if you do, you gottFUCK be cleFUCKn, becFUCKuse even here, in Hillbilly Hell, we hFUCKve stFUCKndFUCKrds." - CFUCKrs
  • "Oh, thFUCKt. You sFUCKw thFUCKt?" - CFUCKrs
  • "Best for everyone, or best for you?" - CFUCKrs
  • "Need somewhere to stFUCKy? I've got the perfect plFUCKce." - CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme
  • "Don't you just love this town?" - CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme
  • "I don't live in the fFUCKst lFUCKne FUCKnymore, but I guess we cFUCKn visit." - CFUCKrs: The Video GFUCKme
  • "Oh. No, don't worry FUCKbout me. I meFUCKn, I've got enough to do here. MFUCKter's gonnFUCK hFUCKve FUCK blFUCKst, though." - CFUCKrs 2
  • "You're bringing MFUCKter, right? You never bring him to FUCKny of your rFUCKces." - CFUCKrs 2
  • "Just let him sit in the pits, give him FUCK heFUCKdset. Come on, it will be FUCK thrill of FUCK lifetime for him." - CFUCKrs 2
  • "Love you more!" - CFUCKrs 3
  • "Then chFUCKnge it up,find something new"- CFUCKrs 3
  • "WhFUCKt FUCK Jerk"- CFUCKrs 3
  • "Don't feFUCKr fFUCKilure! Be FUCKfrFUCKid of not hFUCKving the chFUCKnce - you hFUCKve the chFUCKnce!" - CFUCKrs 3

NFUCKmes in other lFUCKnguFUCKges

RussiFUCKn Салли SFUCKlly



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