Piston Cup Racing Series

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2016-present logo

The Piston Cup Racing Series (Known as Hudson Hornet Piston Cup Racing Series 2010-2013) is a racing series championship that has hosted championships for decades, across several generations of racers and champions. The Piston Cup series is known to date back to at least 1951, where the Fabulous Hudson Hornet, Louise Nash, Junior Moon, River Scott and others competed in dirt tracks. In modern times, however, racers compete in large stadiums, with carefully maintained racetracks and immense space for spectators.

Season history

Late 1940's

Piston Cup was created at 1940's, that years races held at dirt tracks. Only known competitor of that time is Slide Powers.

1951-1953 seasons

Hudson's flip move.

The 1951, 1952, and 1953 Piston Cup seasons were won by the Fabulous Hudson Hornet, during his prime. Hudson acquired three Piston Cup trophies, despite his philosophy that they are "just empty cups".

At that years Hudson had a rival, Gus O'Line. At one race they raced bumper to bumper, but  at last lap Gus' semi-axis dislocated and he didn't finished, that race was won by Hornet. After that race Hud fixed Gus' semi-axel and O'Line said, that Hornet should be doctor, but Hudson don't believe him. During one race at the Thomasville Speedway, The Hudson Hornet quickly made his way to first place passing Louise Nash, Junior Moon and River Scott, but was pushed against the wall by a rookie. But with quick thinking Hudson peformed a flip maneuver over him and crossed the finish line.

Hudson achieved thirteen victories in 1951, twenty-seven victories in 1952, and twenty-two victories in 1953.[1]

Late 1970's - Early 1980's

During late 70's Kraig Shiftright won 2 Piston Cups, also at late 70's debuted Klint Shiftright and won 3 Piston Cups at early 1980's

1954 season

Hudson's crash.

Hudson's prime ended when he received serious damage from an accident. According to comics, that crash caused by his rival, Sammy, that sidewipped him out, Doc hit racer 57, somersault and landed on wheels, Sammy won that race and bacame a champion, but in Cars 3 shown, that while powersliding at Fireball Beach he lost control and rolled several times, receiving serious damage, after that he was hospitalized.

His injuries rendered him unable to compete for the rest of the season. While Doc made a healthy recovery, when he returned wishing to race again, he was shunned in favor of newer and younger race cars, leading him to settle as a doctor in the small town of Radiator Springs, and choosing to hide his past.

Prior to his accident, the Fabulous Hudson Hornet acquired sixteen victories in 1954.

2004 season

McQueen's first race

According to And Now a Word from Our Sponsor, that year Lightning McQueen and his hauler Mack debuted in Smell Swell team, but later he was replaced by a rookie, named Sammy Smelter. Fired McQueen and Mack met Rusty and Dusty Rust-eze, that searched a racer for season and Lightning with Mack joined the team. Comics tells a different story, that McQueen debuted in races to join the Piston Cup Racing Series. At first race McQueen knock Racer 99 and Racer 66 to overtake them, Racer 66 rolled over, McQueen overtook them and won. At next race McQueen accidently hit the wall and spin, but after pit stop he was able to continue race. After that race McQueen teamed up with Mack. McQueen searched a sponsorship very long, until Smelter, that in this story wasn't a rookie and raced for Rust-eze, involved in a serious accident and retired, after that McQueen and Mack joined the team.

2005 season

Lightning McQueen, Strip Weathers, and Chick Hicks

The 2005 season saw seven-time Piston Cup champion Strip Weathers, constant runner-up Chick Hicks, and popular new rookie Lightning McQueen as the leading competitors. Known, that McQueen first time won at Glen Ellyn. The final race of the season, called the Dinoco 400, was held at the Motor Speedway of the South. The three leading racers all had a score of 5,013 points, meaning whichever of the three placed first would take home the Piston Cup and the coveted Dinoco sponsorship.

Towards the start of the race, a large accident was caused by Chick Hicks with the intention of separating himself from the gaining McQueen. The accident involved every racer except for Weathers, Hicks, and McQueen, as the ladder skillfully managed to make his way through the crash without taking any damage. The other racers received damage however, such as Chuck Armstrong, who was taken out of the race by a tow truck.

The first three-way tie in Piston Cup history.

Subsequently, Lightning McQueen arrogantly refused pit stops, which allowed him to gain an entire lap advantage on the other racers, which continued into the final lap of the race. However, as McQueen rounded the final turn, his tires blew out, leaving him crawling to the finish line. The other racers caught up to him, and McQueen, Hicks, and Weathers all crossed the finish line at the same time, making it the first three-way tie in Piston Cup history. A tie-breaker race between the three was set to be held at the Los Angeles International Speedway.

However, during Lightning's journey there, he fell out of his trailer and ended up in the small town of Radiator Springs, where he accidentally ripped up the road and was sentenced to community service. Once Lightning served his time, he was taken to the race, where he found it difficult to concentrate due to missing the friends he made while there. However, Lightning was joyful when he discovered that Hudson and the other townspeople had come to serve as his pit crew.

McQueen assists Weathers to the finish line.

Lightning, who had learned new abilities from his friends, utilized them during the race, which allowed him to hold up well against his two competitors, eventually taking the lead. Hicks, frustrated with constantly placing behind Weathers, performed a PIT maneuver on him, causing the seven-time champion to spin out of control and take heavy damage. McQueen, noticing similarities between Weathers' and Hudson's accidents, stopped just before the finish line and reversed up to Weathers, and helped him to the finish line, believing the old-timer should finish his last race. Despite being the victor, Hicks was booed for his actions, while McQueen was congratulated for his good sportsmanship. The Piston Cup logo was changed that year.

2006 season

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A confrontation between Lightning McQueen, Doc Hudson, and Chick Hicks.

Weathers' retirement saw the rivalry between Lightning McQueen and Chick Hicks grow larger than ever before, with the media putting an emphasis on it. The 2006 season consisted of five races, taking place at five different stadiums; Palm Mile Speedway, Motor Speedway of the South, Sun Valley International Raceway, Smasherville Speedway, and Los Angeles International Speedway. After losing to McQueen in the first three races, Chick hired the Delinquent Road Hazards to steal Lightning's racing gear from Mack's trailer while he was traveling the Interstate. However, McQueen and Sheriff caught them, and they revealed their alliance with Hicks. At Smasherville Speedway, McQueen confronted Hicks, and the two agreed to have a four-race event, with races in Radiator Springs, Tailfin Pass, ankud Ornament Valley, followed by the final race at the Los Angeles International Speedway.

McQueen wins the 2006 Piston Cup season.

The event was covered by Darrell Cartrip and the Racing Sports Network, and broadcasted live on television. Lightning won the three events in Carburetor County, and proceeded to defeat Hicks and win the Piston Cup trophy at the Los Angeles International Speedway. McQueen placed his trophy next to Doc's three Piston Cups on the windowsill of his clinic.

2007-2015 seasons

Hudson Hornet Piston Cup trophy

McQueen won the Piston Cup series in 2008 and 2009. 2010-2015 seasons was won by unknown race cars. After Doc Hudson's death at 2009[2], the Piston Cup was renamed the Hudson Hornet Piston Cup, in his honor and McQueen's team leaved without crew chief. Immediately following the 2010 season, McQueen was invited to compete in the World Grand Prix. At 2013 - 2015 Hudson Hornet Piston Cup was renamed back to Piston Cup and the logo changed as well. Also, known, that in 2015 Brick Yardley won twice. Somewhere in those years certain racers, seen in 2005, retired, leaving McQueen one of oldest racers, that still competing in the series.

2016 season

Bobby Swift, Cal Weathers and Lightning McQueen

The season starts out with McQueen, Bobby Swift and Cal Weathers winning races and having a good time.

At the Dinoco Light 350 in the Motor Speedway of the South Lightning won the race. On the next race at Rocker Arms International McQueen and Cal both went for first place at last lap with Cal being the winner. The Georgia Motor Speedway race was won by McQueen.

Jackson Storm

At the Dinoco 400 at Copper Canyon Speedway McQueen was in the lead with Bobby second and Cal third but all three were beaten by rookie Jackson Storm. Storm also won in next race at the Motor Speedway of the South, Grandol Oil Co. Raceway, BnL Raceway, Rustbelt Raceway,

In Sputter Stop 350, Data Shift 400 and Bumper Save Gears And Glory 450, after the last one Cal Weathers retired from the sport racing by the tip of his uncle, many other veteran racers leave the sport too.

Before the race at Los Angeles International Speedway, Bobby Swift retired too. After the race's start McQueen start to overtake others and even catch the Storm on last laps. When they both come to boxes, McQueen's pit stop was faster, than Storm's and Lightning take the lead. Jackson quickly catch with Lightning and said "Enjoy your retirement!" and took the lead, after that words McQueen slowed down and was overtaken by Daniel Swervez and Chase Racelott and lost 2 positions.

McQueen's crash.

McQueen tried to catch Storm and the others, but he lost control and was sent into a roll which left him unable to compete. Lightning was hospitalized, while Storm proceeded to win the race and becoming the 2016 Piston Cup champion.

2017 season

Lightning McQueen and Jackson Storm

Four months later, McQueen and Cruz Ramirez, were practicing and getting McQueen into shape with the goal of beating Storm at the Florida 500 at Florida International Super Speedway. Lightning missed all qualification sessions, because of this he would start dead last. First time after Doc's death McQueen had a crew chief, Smokey, former crew chief of Doc. After race's start McQueen began quickly overtaking others and making steady progress through the ranks.

At the middle of the race new owner of Rusteze, Sterling, said to Cruz, that she should train racers, instead of watching the race, Lightning heard that in team radio and remembered, that Cruz dreamed to be a racer. McQueen forgot about the race and not noticing a big accident in front of him, he nearly crashed and continued the race. When all racers were called back to the pit, McQueen said, that Cruz Ramirez should back.

Cruz Ramirez racing for Rusteze.

McQueen asked to Guido to change her tires, Fillmore to refuel and Ramone to repaint her, after that he switched surprised Cruz at his place. Later, Lighting became her crew chief. Using tactics she learned while practicing with Lightning, Ramirez was able to overcome other racers. She even caught up with Jackson Storm, he attempted to distract her from winning and went as far as to push her against the wall, when she tried to pass him. Cruz preformed a flip over Storm, as Doc Hudson done in the 1950s and won the race, officially McQueen won a race too, because Lightning and Cruz raced with same numbers. After the race she signed with Dinoco with McQueen as her crew chief and choose number 51 as tribute to Hudson Hornet. Cruz continued to win races the rest of the season.

Other seasons

In The World of Cars Online, players could become a Piston Cup champion by competing in a series of races, which were held at Tailgator Speedway, Big Heartland Speedway, Backfire Canyon Speedway, Petroleum City Super Speedway, Motor Speedway of the South, and Los Angeles International Speedway.


Old Piston Cup logo.

The Piston Cup races are big events sponsored by lots of trademarks and covered by the Racing Sports Network (RSN), which creates live televised broadcasts, in addition to providing other media coverage. Modern races take place at huge racing stadiums, which traditionally have oval-shaped tracks, although the shape may slightly vary from track to track, such as at the Los Angeles International Speedway.

A Piston Cup championship consists of various races where the competitors earn points in relation to their placement in the final rankings of the event. At the end of the season, the car with the most points wins the championship, and receives a Piston Cup trophy, as well as sponsorship from Dinoco, a fuel brand closely associated with the Piston Cup series.

Races can vary from 7 to 500 laps. Each competitor has a team of pitties, a crew chief and a hauler, which are sponsored, and may help the racer by giving advice via headsets, and by providing fuel and tire changes during pit stops.


Image Name Description
Backfire Canyon Speedway A desert-themed track with several turns, including a series of turns in an "S" shape.
Big Heartland Speedway A standard race track with a grassy infield and several turns.
BnL Raceway A standard race track.
Copper Canyon A standard race track.
Florida International Super Speedway A next-generation race track located in Florida
Georgia Motor Speedway A standard track supported by Mood Springs.
Grandol Oil Co. Raceway A standard race track supported by Grandol Oil Co..
Heartland Motor Speedway A standard race track.
Los Angeles International Speedway A large stadium located in Los Angeles, California. The track has two straightaways of the different lengths; the first perfectly straight, with the second having a slight curve.
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Motor Speedway of the South A large, ovular stadium located in Motor City. Piston Cup events held here often take place when the sky is dark, and because of this, the track is surrounded by lights.
Palm Mile Speedway An ovular stadium themed around palm trees, which can be found in the infield, as well as around the exterior of the track. There are also several white buildings found behind the pit row.
Petroleum City Super Speedway A race track with various sharp turns. The track is unique in that it has intentional obstacles, in the form of petrol puddles that racers must avoid, or suffer a decrease in speed.
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Rocker Arms International A standard race track.
Rustbelt Raceway A standard race track.
Smasherville Speedway A long, ovular track with banked turns. During night races, the track is well-lit, and the infield consists of a pit row area, as well as some foundations in the center.
Sun Valley International Raceway A desert-themed track recognizable by the large rock foundation that forms an arch over the final turn, with competitors driving under it.
Tailgator Speedway A polished race track with standard straights and turns.
Thomasville Speedway A now-abandoned stadium with a dirt track.

List of racers

See too: List of racers by driver number

Pre-season 2005

Racer Number Sponsor Seasons
Darrel Draggered
Gus O'Line
Dash Rallyman
Buck Schooner
Levi Mitchan 8 Kirby Farm Implement & Supply Co.;
Junior's Body Repair;
Bouling Gteen
Mario Andretti 11
Junior Moon 11 1951,
"Jet" Robinson 17 Southern Gold 1954
Sammy 23 1954
River Scott 34 1951,
Hudson Hornet 51 1951,
Guzzler 82 Lucky's Bar & Grill,
The Radical Car Club, Motor Oil,
Clint's Bait & Tackle
Louise Nash 94 1951,


Racer Number Sponsor
Sammy Smelter 01 Rust-eze
Rusty Cornfuel 4 Tow Cap
Dale Earnhardt, Jr. 8 Budweiser
Aiken Axler 28 Nitroade
Chuck Armstrong 33 Mood Springs
Dirkson D'Agostino 34 Trunk Fresh
Kevin Racingtire 35 Shifty Drug
Eugene Carbureski 36 Tank Coat
Ryan Shields 39 View Zeen
Strip Weathers 41 Dinoco
Ruby Oaks 51 Easy Idle
Claude Scruggs 52 Leak Less
Johnny Blamer 54 Faux Wheel Drive
Brush Curber 56 Fiber Fuel
Billy Oilchanger 58 Octane Gain
James Cleanair 61 Vitoline
Lee Revkins 63 Transberry Juice
Winford Bradford Rutherford 64 RPM
Manny Flywheel 68 N2O Cola
Floyd Mulvihill 70 Gasprin
Misti Motorkrass 73 Rev-N-Go
Silder Petrolski 74 Sidewall Shine
Crusty Rotor 76 Vinyl Toupee
Sage VanDerSpin 80 Gask-its
Darren Leadfoot 82 Shiny Wax
Davey Apex 84 Re-Volting
Mac iCar 84 Apple, Inc.
Ponchy Wipeout 90 Bumper Save
Chick Hicks 86 HtB
Ernie Gearson 93 Spare Mint
Lightning McQueen 95 Rust-eze
Greg Candyman 101 Tach-O-Mint
Ralph Carlow 117 Lil' Torquey Pistons
Kevin Shiftright 121 Clutch Aid
Todd Marcus 123 No Stall


Racer Number Sponsor
Aikens 51 Vitoline
Jolsten 52 Nitroade
Clarkson 54 Tow Cap
Buck 56,
34 (X-Box 360 game version)
Trunk Fresh
Medford 58,
63 (X-Box 360 game version)
Transberry Juice
Henderson 63,
58 (X-Box 360 game version)
Octane Gain
Zeb 64,
74 (X-Box 360 game version)
Sidewall Shine
Turner 74
79 (X-Box 360 game version)
Bashman 79,
84 (X-Box 360 game version)
Riley 84,
64 (X-Box 360 game version)
Chick Hicks 86 HtB
Lightning McQueen 95 Rust-eze
Lee Jr. 101,
117 (X-Box 360 game version)
Lil' Torquey Pistons
Guenther 117,
101 (X-Box 360 game version)
Suregrip 121,
123 (X-Box 360 game version)
Clutch Aid
Masterson 121,
123 (X-Box 360 game version)
No Stall
Cortland 191 Faux Wheel Drive
Hollister 282 Leak Less

Season 2017 stock racers

Racer Number Sponsor
Jimmy Cables 00 Intersection
Jack DePost 4 Tow Cap
Lane Locke 5 SynerG
Chip Gearings 11 Combustr
Bobby Swift 19 Octane Gain
Speedy Comet 21 Blinkr
Brick Yardley 24 Vitoline
Phil Tankson 28 Nitroade
Terry Kargas 31 TripleDent
Dud Throttleman 33 Mood Springs
Dirkson D'Agostino 34 Trunk Fresh
Reb Meeker 36 Tank Coat
Buck Bearingly 39 View Zeen
T.G. Castlenut 48 Re-Volting
Brian Spark 52 Leak Less
Tommy Highbanks 54 Faux Wheel Drive
Bruce Miller 64 RPM
Parker Brakeston 68 N2O Cola
Floyd Mulvihill 70 Gasprin
Rex Revler 80 Gask-its
Darren Leadfoot 82 Shiny Wax
Ponchy Wipeout 90 Bumper Save
Murray Clutchburn 92 Sputter Stop
Ernie Gearson 93 Spare Mint
Lightning McQueen 95 Rust-eze
Ralph Carlow 117 Lil' Torquey Pistons
Todd Marcus 123 No Stall

Season 2017-2018 Next Generation racers

Racer Number Sponsor
Bubba Wheelhouse 6 Transberry Juice
Daniel Swervez 19 Octane Gain
Jackson Storm 20 IGNTR
Ryan Laney 21 Blinkr
Chase Racelott 24 Vitoline
Tim Treadless 28 Nitroade
Cam Spinner 31 TripleDent
Ed Truncan 33 Mood Springs
Rich Mixon 36 Tank Coat
Cruz Ramirez 51,
95 (Floryda 500 in 2018)
Rust-eze (Floryda 500 in 2018)
Herb Curbler 54 Faux Wheel Drive
H.J. Hollis 68 N20 Cola
Paul Conrev 90 Bumper Save

List of champions

Logo history


  • The Piston Cup is based on the real world Winston Cup, awarded to NASCAR champions from 1971 to 2003. In 2004, however, NASCAR severed relations with Winston and the award became the Nextel Cup, quickly changing to the Sprint Cup after Sprint bought out Nextel. Incidentally, the Hudson Hornet competed in the Grand National era of 1950 to 1970. Title sponsorship with Sprint ended after 2016, merging with Monster Energy to create a new title, the "Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series", starting in 2017. Before 1950, in 1949 there was "Strictly stock".
  • In real life, contemporary NASCAR vehicles would not be able to compete against vehicles of the Grand National era. This is because modern NASCAR vehicles are spec, racing-built sedans with sophisticated racing technology whereas Grand National era cars are modified production cars. Today's NASCAR sedans would greatly outperform the stock cars of the Grand National era. Also, NASCAR safety technology has dramatically evolved since the Grand National era and thus drivers of such vehicles would be at a greater safety risk than those driving today's NASCAR sedans.

Notes and references