User:Lada Riva

From Pixar Cars Wiki
Revision as of 04:35, 26 September 2018 by Lada Riva (talk | contribs) (→‎Criminals)
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Sorry for the inconvenience, here I will post another article before it is accepted.

List of unnamed characters


Image Country Appearance
File:Вертолёт итальянской скорой.png
Italy Cars 2
File:Вертолёт скорой помощи.png
USA Rescue Squad Mater

Car-ified animals

Image Animal prototype Appearance
Fly Vitaminamulch: Air Spectacular

Crew chiefs

Image Team Appearance
File:Главмеханик Мака айКара.png
Apple Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Пончи Вайпаута.png
Bumper Save Cars
File:Главмеханик Руби Оукса.png
Easy Idle Cars
File:Главмеханик Сэйджа Вандерспина.png
Gask-its Cars
File:Главмеханик Флойда Малвихилла.png
Gasprin Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Брайана Спарка.png
Leak Less Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Чака Армстронга.png
Mood Springs Cars
File:Главмеханик Мэнни Флайвилла.png
N2O Cola Cars
File:Главмеханик Х. Дж. Холлиса.png
N2O Cola Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Нитроэйда.png
Nitroade Cars
File:Главмеханик Билли Ойлченджера.png
Octane Gain Cars
File:Главмеханик Бобби Вжика.png
Octane Gain Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Мисти Моторкрасс.png
Rev-n-Go Cars 3
File:Главмеханик команды 73.png
Rev-n-Go Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Винфорда Брэдфорда Резерфорда.png
RPM Cars
File:Главмеханик Барри деПедаля.png
RPM Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Молнии МакКуина.png
Rust-eze Comics/books
File:Главмеханик Даррена Лидфута.png
Shiny Wax Cars 3
File:Главмеханик команды 92.png
Sputter Stop Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Лэйна Локка.png
SynerG Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Рэба Микера.png
Tank Coat Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Дж. Д. МакПиллара.png
Tow Cap Cars 3
File:Главмеханик Дирксона Д'Агостино.png
Trunk Fresh Cars
File:Главмеханик Джеймса Клинэйра.png
Vitoline Cars
File:Главмеханик Брика Ярдли.png
Vitoline Cars 3


Image Crime family Appearance
File:Астон Пэйсер.png
Pacer Cars 2 Teaser Poster
File:Бирюзовый Пэйсер.jpg
Pacer Agent 95
File:Бордовый Пэйсер.png
Pacer Cars 2
File:Белый Юго.png
Yugo Cars 2
File:Вертолёт мафии.png
Unknown Cars 2


Image Country Appearance
File:Военный вертолёт.png
Great Britain Cars 2
File:Военный Лэндровер.png
Great Britain Cars 2
File:Военный Хаммер.png
Great Britain Cars 2
File:Вражеский корабль.png
Germany Planes
Germany Stratagem
Germany Aerial Acrobats


Image Occupation Appearance
File:Бамперная машинка.png
Bumper car
Bumper car Mater Goes to the Car-Nival
Geisha girl Tokyo Mater
File:Главный эльф.png
Elf Comics/books

Musicians and dancers

Image Occupation Appearance
Drummer Heavy Metal Mater
File:Гавайская танцовщица.png
Dancer Cars 2 credits
File:Гавайский абориген.png
Ukulele Cars 2 credits
File:Гитарист из Карданакабаны.png
Guitarist Mater Private Eye
File:Гитарист из Томасвилля.png
Guitarist Cars 3

Other characters

Image Where is seen Appearance
Italy Rematch!
Italy Rematch!
Italy Rematch!
Italy Rematch!
Italy Rematch!
Italy Rematch!
Italy Rematch!
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
The Buckingham Palace Great Banquet
Skipper's hangar Stratagem
Skipper's hangar Stratagem
Propwash Junction Aerial Acrobats
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Tokyo Track Race Around the World (comic)
Flo's V8 Cafe Champion's Cup
Flo's V8 Cafe Champion's Cup
Flo's V8 Cafe Champion's Cup
Flo's V8 Cafe Champion's Cup
Flo's V8 Cafe Champion's Cup
Flo's V8 Cafe Champion's Cup
Flo's V8 Cafe Champion's Cup


Image Driver number (racing series) Appearance
File:Белый гонщик.png
- (-) Comics/books
File:Гонщик 6.png
6 (Piston Cup) Cars 2005 Teaser Trailer
File:Гонщик 19.png
19 (Piston Cup) Cars 2005 Teaser Trailer
File:Гонщик 22.png
22 (Piston Cup) Cars 2005 Teaser Trailer
File:Гонщик 37.png
37 (-) Books and comics
File:Гонщик 46.png
46 (-) Books and comics
File:Гонщик 52.png
52 (Piston Cup) Cars 2005 Teaser Trailer
File:Гонщик 55.png
55 (-) Books and comics
File:Гонщик 57.png
57 (Piston Cup) Cars 2005 Teaser Trailer

Racing fans

Image Favourite racer Appearance
Lightning McQueen Champions hospitality
Lightning McQueen Champions hospitality
Lightning McQueen Champions hospitality
Lightning McQueen Champions hospitality
Lightning McQueen Champions hospitality

Racing pitties

Image Team Appearance
? ?
Bumper Save Cars
Carbon Cyber Cars 3
Easy Idle Cars
Ferrari Books/comics
IGNTR Cars 3
Intersection Cars 3
Lewis Hamilton Cars 2
Max Schnell Cars 2
Mood Springs Cars
N2O Cola Cars
N2O Cola Cars 3
Octane Gain Cars 3
Rev-n-go Cars
Shu Todoroki Cars 2
Tow Cap Cars 3
Vitoline Cars 3


Image Where is seen Appearance
File:БМВ с фотоаппаратом.png
Porto Corsa, Radiator Springs Cars 2


Image Occupation Appearance
Lavatory Services Truck Cars 2