Pixar Cars Wiki:Proposals

From Pixar Cars Wiki
Revision as of 19:53, 13 May 2021 by RodRedlineM1 (talk | contribs) (Latest one moved to archive and result updated. Apparently local admins can no longer turn achievements off themselves so I'm gonna have to put in a request, that might complicate things, so no new proposal for the time being.)
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Welcome to the hub for proposals. This section of the wiki allows users to share their ideas for potential changes to the wiki and look for consensus in approving them. The goal of this feature is to promote collaboration as a community and ensure that all World of Cars Wiki users have a say in important wiki decisions.


  1. If you have an idea you would like to suggest, you may create a proposal by adding a topic under the "Active proposals" heading. Proposals can cover any articles and spaces. As the proposer, you must provide both an explanation of what your proposal consists of as well as a compelling argument to justify why it should be passed.
  2. Once a Proposal has been created, the voting period begins. Users have one week to declare whether they Support or Oppose the given proposal. This can be done by signing your username under either the "Support" or "Oppose" sections respectively, accompanied by an explanation of why you feel the way you do. All users can debate and discuss with one another in the "Discussion" heading.
  3. In certain cases, the Support or Oppose dichotomy may not do a discussion justice. Sometimes there are more options. In these sorts of situations, you can offer your opinion in multiple sections, so long as your selections do not contradict one another.
  4. After the week-long period ends, the final result is determined by which section had the most names signed. If the majority of users chose to Support the proposal, it indicates consensus, and the change may now be implemented. If more users chose to Oppose, the changes will not be put into effect.
  5. In the event of a tie, the voting period will be extended an additional week.
  6. Once completed, the result of the proposal will be logged at the bottom of this article, and an archive of its voting process will be catalogued here.


  1. Proposals must provide a detailed explanation of the intended change, as well as a mock-up or draft of what the change would look like in effect.
  2. You must choose to Support or Oppose, not both. In discussions with many options, you can sometimes pick more than one option, but make sure your answers are not contradictory.
  3. While you are free to explain yourself however they like, you may not edit any comments that are not your own. The only situation in which a comment should be edited or removed is by an administrator in the event that the comment violates any of the site rules.
  4. All comments must stay on topic.
  5. While there are no limits or requirements for the lengths of comments, explanations should be as clear and concise as possible. Do not reply with sarcasm or "jokes" that do not reflect your true thoughts.
  6. Proposals are all about discussing changes to the wiki. They are not a way to rally for community projects. For instance, an idea like "Upload screenshots for Cars: Radiator Springs Adventures" is not a valid proposal. These sorts of discussions are better had in the Forum.
  7. Please be respectful. It is perfectly fine, even encouraged, to debate, but arguments should be kept formal and not personal. Remember: Don't be a jerk.

Active proposals

None at the moment.

Completed proposals

Proposal Voting Period Proposer Result Effect
Decide how to organize character articles
April 17–April 24, 2021 RodRedlineM1 PASSED! We will use an out-of-universe style of writing, using present tense, when writing character articles.
Decide how to organize character infoboxes April 27–May 4, 2021 RodRedlineM1 PASSED! We will be using the classic character infobox template with some additional parameters on character articles.
Disable the achievements system May 5–May 12, 2021 RodRedlineM1 PASSED! We will be disabling achievements on our wiki.