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Color Blue, White and Red
Occupation Racing Plane

Character information
Gender Female
Tanya's logo.

Tanya (Russian: Таня) is professional racing plane from Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia. She takes part in racing competitions such as Wings Around the Globe.

Tanya replaces Rochelle in Russian version of film Planes

Phisical description

Tanya's design is a combination of a LearAvia Lear Fan's fuselage, a F-117's V-shaped tail, a Williams V-Jet II's cockpit windows, and a Cessna 402's wing-mounted turboprop engines. Tanya is painted white, with blue and red on her tailfin and the ends of her wings. She also has white on her sides and the ends of her wings.

Official biographies

  • [translation to be added]
    • Таня - опытная гонщица и настоящая гордость Урала. Она всегда уверена в себе и всегда добивается поставленных целей. Таня начинала свою карьеру как почтовый самолет — в одиночку доставляла почту в отдаленные поселки Челябинской области. Быстрые полеты доставляли ей большое удовольствие, она решила попробовать себя в гонках и с тех пор не видит свою жизнь без крутых виражей. Эта очаровательная гонщица стала объектом душевным терзаний страстного Эль Чупакабры, но Таня сконцентрирована на победе и отказывается принимать ухаживания обожателя… (Russian)
    • Tanya is an experienced racer and a real pride of the Urals. She is always self-confident and always achieves her goals. Tanya began her career as a mail plane - she alone delivered mail to remote villages of the Chelyabinsk region. Fast flights gave her great pleasure, she decided to try herself in racing and since then does not see her life without sharp turns. This charming racer has become the object of emotional torment of the passionate El Chupacabra, but Tanya is focused on victory and refuses to accept the courtship of the adorer... (English)
    • source: disney.ru



pl:Tanja ru:Таня