Cars 2/Transcript

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Transcript of Cars 2


  • Leland Turbo: This is Agent Leland Turbo. I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile. Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped. You won't believe what I found out here. (turns his camera to a window, where the light from the oil rig's flames shines through) This is bigger than anything we've ever seen, and no one even knows it exists! (turns his camera back to the previous location to show himself) Finn, I need backup, but don't call the cavalry, it could blow the operation. And be careful. It's not safe out here.
  • Acer: (off-screen) Let's go!
  • Leland Turbo: Transmitting my grids now. Good luck!
  • (The camera is moved to show the silhouettes of Grem and Acer outside the room, as the grids are shown. The picture then splits into pixels, before showing the film's logo forming with the "2" being made inside the box where "Cars" is shown, before being taken out to show the complete logo that now says "Cars 2", which then fades before the screen shows the Pacific Ocean at night, with the coordinates of 40° 6.80' N, 172° 23.84' W being shown as the camera moves to show a boat named Crabby moving across the ocean while carrying Finn McMissile. Beeping sounds are heard as Crabby's radar is shown, which then shows the coordinates.)
  • Crabby: All right, buddy, we're here. Right where you paid me to bring you. Question is, why?
  • Finn McMissile: I'm looking for a car.
  • Crabby: A car? Ha! Hey, pal, you can't get any further away from land than out here.
  • Finn McMissile: Exactly where I want to be.
  • Crabby: Well, I got news for you, buddy. There's nobody out here but us.
  • (Suddenly, a ship's horn is heard as Tony Trihull, a battleship, arrives, which Finn hides under some cages.)
  • Tony Trihull: What are you doing out here?!
  • Crabby: What does it look like, genius? I'm crabbing!
  • Tony Trihull: Well, turn around and go back where you came from!
  • Crabby: Yeah, and who's gonna make me?
  • (Tony deploys his gun.)
  • Crabby: All right! All right! Don't get your prop in a twist! (turns around, as Tony heads back to the oil rigs) What a jerk. Sorry, buddy. Looks like it's the end of the line. (hears no answer) Buddy?
  • (The screen shows that Finn is not on Crabby, which it then reveals that Finn is holding onto the back of Tony with his grappling hooks. Tony honks his horn as he sails to the oil rigs. Finn notices many of the flames from the oil rigs, and as Tony reaches one of them, Finn moves down when a bright light shines on Tony, which the oil rig begins to light up. Finn then shoots his left grappling hook over a barrier on the oil platform, and releases his other grappling hook from Tony, activating his steel magnet wheels and driving up one of the oil rigs' poles as Tony gets picked up by a mechanical grabber. When he notices the other oil rigs lighting up, Finn immediately circles around pole and gets onto one of the floors, and comes to a hiding place, where he sees many cars down below.)
  • Tannoy: Incoming. All workers report to the loading dock.
  • Finn McMissile: (through his radio) Leland Turbo, this is Finn McMissile. I'm at the rally point. Over. (hears static)
  • Grem: (as the other cars gather up) All right, fellas, you know the drill.
  • Finn McMissile: (through his radio) Leland, it's Finn. Please respond. Over. (hears static again, then he takes out his spy camera from inside his right headlight to zoom in on the thugs)
  • Acer: Come on, guys. These crates aren't gonna unload themselves. (opens a crate)
  • Professor Zündapp: (German accent) (speaks indistinctly as he appears) ...get out of here. Too many cars here. Out of my way.
  • Finn McMissile: (after he scans the professor) Professor Zündapp?
  • Muggsy Liftsome: (carrying a box) Here it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it?
  • Professor Zündapp: Ah, yes. Very carefully.
  • (Muggsy then opens the box, which has a camera in it. Finn immediately starts taking pictures of it.)
  • Professor Zündapp: (speaks German)
  • Rod Redline: (in Gremlin disguise) Oh, a TV camera. What does it actually do?
  • Professor Zündapp: This camera is extremely dangerous.
  • Finn McMissile: What are you up to now, Professor? (uses his mounted quad harpoon gun from his undercarriage to sink into the structure of each of the platform's sides, and whizzes across, before moving himself down to get a closer look, taking more pictures of the camera)
  • Professor Zündapp: This is valuable equipment. Make sure it is properly secured for the voyage.
  • Rod Redline: You got it.
  • Grem: Hey, Professor Z! This is one of those British spies we told you about.
  • (While Grem is talking, Muggsy closes the box, and he and Rod leave. Finn gets out one of his machine guns as he watches Professor Z coming to Grem and Acer, who are beside a crate.)
  • Acer: Yeah! This one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong.
  • Professor Zündapp: Agent Leland Turbo.
  • (Acer then opens the lock on the crate, then a crane picks up the crate's top and sides, showing Leland Turbo crushed into a cube.)
  • Finn McMissile: (gasps)
  • (Suddenly, flames are emitted from the oil platform, casting Finn's shadow, which Professor Z then looks up to see him.)
  • Professor Zündapp: It's Finn McMissile! (as Finn begins to shoot at them) He's seen the camera! Kill him!
  • Tannoy: All hands on deck! All hands on deck!
  • (Finn begins to rush back to the floor, but notices the thugs already at all four lines, turning on their blowtorches. Finn then releases three of his lines to swing onto a crane and get onto another floor, turning 180 degrees towards a ramp as a green Gremlin chases him. Finn then launches oil out of his rear turn signals.)
  • Keith Gremlin: (slipping on the oil) Whoa!
  • (Finn then shoots one of his grappling hooks around a pole, and makes a turn as the Gremlin heads towards the edge.)
  • Keith Gremlin: Aah! (falls off) Waargh! (lands into the ocean, with his body coming apart)
  • (The chase continues as more thugs chase Finn up a spiral ramp. Noticing several oil barrels on a level above, Finn uses one of his guns to shoot a railing, causing the oil barrels to fall down the ramp. Finn then launches a magnetic bomb from one of his front wheel hubs onto one of the barrels, which explodes when it comes to the bottom of the ramp, causing the other barrels to explode in a chain reaction and kill all the thugs going up the ramp, and destroys the rest of the ramp as Finn gets to the top just in time. However, more thugs chase him onto a helipad, where they all surround him. As several of the lemons turn on their blowtorches, Finn revs his engine for a couple of seconds, before he reverses off the edge.)
  • Jerome Ramped: What?!
  • (Finn then lands into the sea, going underneath the surface as Grem and Acer watch from the helipad. Finn then comes to the surface, going into hydrofoil mode, and speeds away.)
  • Grem: Get to the boats!
  • (Grem and Acer then rush to Tony and another combat ship, who are both released by the grabbers, and chase after Finn. Tony shoots missiles at Finn, who is able to dodge them by doing serpentine. Acer then uses an independent shooter on the other combat ship to shoot at Finn, who still does serpentine to dodge them.)
  • Acer: He's getting away!
  • Tony Trihull: Not for long! (shoots out a torpedo)
  • (Just as the torpedo is about to hit Finn, it explodes, causing the water to shoot up, before it shows flames on the surface, as the combat ships search around it to see if Finn is still alive. The camera moves into the water, showing that Finn is still alive, leaving trails of oil from his rear turn signals. He then goes into submarine mode, with an oxygen tank over his mouth, and escapes as he releases a set of tires from his trunk. The tires all come up to the surface inside the circle of flames.)
  • Grem: (chuckles, then talks to Professor Z over the radio) He's dead, Professor.
  • Professor Zündapp: Wunderbar! With Finn McMissile gone, who can stop us now?
  • (The screen then shows Mater driving along Route 66, about a mile away from Radiator Springs.)
  • Mater: Mater -Tow Mater, that's who - is here to help you. (sees Otis on the side of the road, with his engine choking) Hey, Otis!
  • Otis: Hey, Mater! I... Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry. I... I thought I could make it this time, but... (tries to get going, but his engine fails to start) Smooth like pudding, huh? (sighs) Who am I kidding? I'll always be a lemon.
  • Mater: Well, dad-gum, you're leaking oil again! Must be your gaskets. (hooks his tow hook on Otis, and starts to tow him) Hey, but look on the bright side. This is your tenth tow this month, so that means it's on the house!
  • Otis: You're the only one that's nice to lemons like me, Mater.
  • Mater: Hey, don't sweat it! Shoot, these things happen to everybody, Otis.
  • Otis: But you never leak oil!
  • Mater: Yeah, but I ain't perfect. Don't tell nobody either, but I think my rust is starting to show through.
  • Otis: (as they pass by the billboard, which shows a picture of McQueen) Hey! Is Lightning McQueen back yet?
  • Mater: Not yet.
  • Otis: He must be crazy excited about winning his fourth Piston Cup! Four! Wow!
  • Mater: Yeah, we're so dad-gum proud of him, but I sure wish he'd hurry up and get back, 'cause we got a whole summer's worth of best friend fun to make up for. Just me and... (gasps as he sees McQueen in the town, as a horn is heard honking) McQueen! (rushes to McQueen, but forgets that he is towing Otis)
  • Otis: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Otis: Mater! I'm in no hurry! You don't need to go so fast!
  • Mater: (moving his hook up and down, causing Otis to hit the ground several time) Hey, everybody! McQueen's back! McQueen's back! McQueen's back! McQueen's back! McQueen's back!
  • Otis: Aaah! Ahh! Aaah! Oooh-hoo! Oooh-hah! Aah!
  • Luigi: Oh, Lightning! Welcome home!
  • Flo: Good to have you back, honey!
  • Fillmore: Congratulations, man.
  • Sarge: Welcome home, soldier.
  • Sheriff: The place wasn't the same without you, son.
  • Lizzie: What?! Did he go somewhere?
  • Lightning McQueen: It's good to be home, everybody.
  • Lightning McQueen: (hears Mater honking his horn) Mater!
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Otis: Aah!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater!
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Otis: Oooh!
  • (Mater then stops at the crossroad in front of McQueen, and lets go of Otis, who is moved along into Ramone's House of Body Art as Sally and Flo dodge him.)
  • Otis: Whoooa! (stops as he comes onto wheel ramps)
  • Ramone: Hey, how far did you make it this time, Otis?
  • Otis: Halfway to the county line.
  • Ramone: Ooh, not bad, man!
  • Otis: I know! I can't believe it either!
  • Mater: McQueen! Welcome back!
  • Lightning McQueen: (as they do a special handshake) Mater, it's so good to see you.
  • Mater: You too, buddy! Oh, man, you ain't going to believe the things I got planned for us!
  • Mack: Oh, these best friend greetings. They get longer every year!
  • Mater: You ready to have some serious fun?
  • Lightning McQueen: Well, actually, I've got something to show you first.
  • (The screen then shows McQueen's trophy, which has the name of "Hudson Hornet Piston Cup", and a model of Doc Hudson on top, as it and Mater and McQueen are in the Doc Hudson Racing Museum.)
  • Mater: Wow! I can't believe they renamed the Piston Cup after our very own Doc Hudson!
  • Lightning McQueen: I know Doc said these things were just old cups, but to have someone else win it just didn't feel right, you know?
  • Mater: (to McQueen) Well, Doc would've been real proud of you. That's for sure.
  • Lightning McQueen: (grins) (to Mater, as they all come out of the museum) All right, pal. I've been waiting all summer for this. What you got planned?
  • Mater: Ho-ho-ho! You sure you can handle it?
  • Lightning McQueen: Do you know who you're talking to? This is Lightning McQueen! I can handle anything.
  • (The screen then shows Mater and McQueen on a railroad track. Both of the non-rail vehicles have their tires off.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Er...Mater?
  • Mater: Just remember, your brakes ain't going to work on these! (pushes the team down the slope toward a tunnel)
  • Lightning McQueen: (as they head to the tunnel) Mater?
  • Mater: Ah, relax. These train tracks ain't been used in years!
  • (After they head into the tunnel, a train horn is heard.)
  • Mater: Aaaah! (as they go back out of the tunnel) Aaaah!
  • Lightning McQueen: Faster, faster! Come on. Here we go! Faster!
  • (The train then turns to actually be a little engine called Galloping Geargrinder.)
  • Galloping Geargrinder: (laughs)
  • (Next, Mater takes them to a field, where Colossus XXL, a giant dump truck, is sleeping.)
  • Mater: (chuckles) Heh, heh. Heh, heh.
  • Lightning McQueen: Ooh. Wow. Yeah, uh... I don't know. D-D-Do you think?
  • Mater: This is going to be good!
  • (Mater honks his horn and McQueen rev his engines, as Colossus XXL tips over and hits the ground hard.)
  • Mater: (laughs) Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
  • Lightning McQueen: (laughs) Did you see that?
  • (They stop laughing when they hear oil from the exhaust.)
  • Mater: Uh-oh. This ain't going to be good.
  • (Colossus XXL backfires a burst of smoke from his exhaust, sending McQueen and Mater. The screen then shows them driving back to Radiator Springs. Mater had got a blue balloon which says "Kersploosh Mountain", while the others feel exhausted.)
  • Mater: Ha-ha! Boy, this was the best day ever! And my favorite souvenir, this new dent.
  • Lightning McQueen: Boy, Mater, today was ah...
  • Mater: Shoot, that was nothing. (to McQueen) Wait till you see what I got planned for tonight!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, Mater, whoa! I was kinda thinking of just a quiet dinner.
  • Mater: Hey, that's exactly what I was thinkin'.
  • Lightning McQueen: No, I-I meant with Sally, Mater.
  • Mater: Even better! You, me, and Miss Sally goin' out for supper.
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, uh, I meant it would be just me and Sally.
  • Mater: Oh.
  • Lightning McQueen: You know, just for tonight.
  • Mater: Oh...
  • Lightning McQueen: We'll do whatever you want tomorrow.
  • Mater: OK.
  • Lightning McQueen: Thanks for understanding.
  • Mater: Yeah, sure. You go on and have fun now.
  • Lightning McQueen: All right, then. See you soon, amigo. (leaves)
  • Mater: (sighs)
  • (The screen shows the Wheel Well Motel, which appears to be turned into a restaurant, as there are cars sitting at tables, including McQueen and Sally. Guido, Luigi, Fillmore, and Sarge are inside the Wheel Well)
  • Sally Carrera: (looking at the view) Ah, this is so nice.
  • Lightning McQueen: I can't tell you how good it is to be here alone, just the two of us, finally. You and me.
  • Mater: (dressed as a waiter) Ahem! Good evening.
  • Sally Carrera: Oh!
  • Mater: My name is Mater, and I'll be your waiter. (chuckles) Mater the waiter. That's funny right there.
  • Lightning McQueen: Wha...? Mater? (stammers) You work here?
  • Mater: Well, yeah, I work here. What'd you think? Do you think that I just snuck in here when nobody was lookin' and pretended to be your waiter just so I could hang out with you?
  • Sally Carrera: (chuckles)
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh, yeah. (chuckles) How ridiculous would that be?
  • Mater: Now, can I start you two lovebirds off with a couple of drinks?
  • Lightning McQueen: Yes. I'll have my usual.
  • Sally Carrera: (chuckles) Oh, you know what? I'm gonna have that, too.
  • Mater: (as his tow cable drops) Uh... Right. Your usual. (drives into the motel)
  • Lightning McQueen: (laughs)
  • (Inside, Guido is serving drinks for Fillmore, Sarge and Luigi. The TV is showing a show called "Tire Talky", which has Todd the Pizza Planet truck shown.)
  • Fillmore: (as Guido gives out the drinks) Thanks, man.
  • Luigi: Grazie, Guido!
  • Mater: (arrives) Guido, what's McQueen's usual?
  • Guido: (speaks in Italian) Come dovrei saperlo? [How should I know?]
  • Mater: Perfect! Give me two of them.
  • Sarge: Quiet! My program's on.
  • Mel Dorado: (on TV) Tonight on the Mel Dorado Show... His story gripped the world. Oil billionaire Miles Axlerod, in an attempt to become the first car to circumnavigate the globe without GPS, ironically ran out of gas, and found himself trapped in the wild. Feared dead, he emerged 36 days later, running on a fuel he distilled himself from the natural elements! Since then, he's sold his oil fortune, converted himself from a gas-guzzler into an electric car and has devoted his life to finding a renewable, clean-burning fuel. Now he claims to have done it with his Allinol. And to show the world what his new super fuel can do he's created a racing competition like no other, inviting the greatest champions from around the globe to battle in the first ever World Grand Prix. Welcome, Sir Miles Axlerod.
  • Miles Axlerod: (on TV) Thank you, Mel. It is very, very good to be here. Now, listen to me. Big oil. It costs a fortune. Pollution is getting worse. I mean, come on, it's a fossil fuel. "Fossil," as in dead dinosaurs. And we all know what happened to them. Alternative energy is the future. Trust me, Mel. After seeing Allinol in action at the World Grand Prix, nobody will ever go back to gasoline again.
  • Mater: What happened to the dinosaurs, now?
  • Mel Dorado: (on TV) And on satellite, a World Grand Prix competitor and one of the fastest cars in the world, Francesco Bernoulli.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) It is an honor, Signore Dorado, for you.
  • Mel Dorado: (on TV) Miles, why not invite Lightning McQueen?
  • Mater: Huh? Whatsit?
  • Miles Axlerod: (on TV) Of course we invited him, but apparently after his very long racing season he is taking some time off to rest.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) The Lightning McQueen would not have a chance against Francesco.
  • Mater: (feels angered) Huh!
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) I can go over 300 kilometers an hour. I-In miles, that is like, uh... (stutters) way faster than McQueen.
  • Mel Dorado: (on TV) Let's go to the phones. Baltimore, Maryland, you're on the air.
  • Caller: Am I on? Hello?
  • Mel Dorado: (on TV) You're on. Go ahead.
  • Caller: Hello?
  • Mel Dorado: (on TV) Go ahead, caller. (hears the line going dead) Let's go to Radiator Springs. You're on, caller.
  • Mater: (through the telephone) Yeah, that Italian feller you got on there can't talk that way about Lightning McQueen. He's the bestest race car in the whole wide world.
  • Sarge: (as he and the others look behind to see Mater on the phone) Uh-oh.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) If he is, uh, how you say, uh, "the bestest race car," then why must he rest? Huh?
  • Mater: (through the telephone) 'Cause he knows what's important. Every now and then he prefers just to slow down, enjoy life.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) Oh! You heard it! Lightning McQueen prefers to be slow! Of course, this is not news to Francesco. When I want to go to sleep, I watch one of his races. After two laps, I am out cold.
  • Mater: (through the telephone) That ain't what I meant.
  • (While Mater and Francesco are talking, all of the customers, and even the rest of the residents, come in to see what is happening, all murmuring at Francesco's quote of being out cold. McQueen and Sally, who are still outside and enjoying themselves, then notice everyone coming into the motel.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Hey, what's going on over there?
  • (McQueen and Sally then come in to see what is going on.)
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) He is afraid of Francesco.
  • Lightning McQueen: (notices Francesco on the TV) That's that Italian formula car. His name is...
  • Sally Carrera: Francesco Bernoulli! No wonder there's a crowd.
  • Lightning McQueen: Hey, why do you know his name? And don't say it like that. It's three syllables, not ten.
  • Sally Carrera: What? He's nice to look at. You know, open-wheeled and all.
  • Lightning McQueen: What's wrong with fenders?
  • Sally Carrera: Nothing!
  • Lightning McQueen: I thought you liked my fenders.
  • Mater: (through the telephone) Let me tell you something else, Mr. San Francisco.
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater?
  • Mater: (through the telephone) McQueen could drive circles around you.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) Driving in circles is all he can-a do, no?
  • Mater: (through the telephone) No. I mean, yes. I mean, he could beat you anywhere. Any time, any track.
  • (While Mater is talking, McQueen and Sally look toward Guido and , who point to Mater using the telephone. McQueen and Sally then look to see what Mater is doing.)
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) Mel, can we move on? Francesco needs a caller who can provide a little more intellectual stimulation, like a dump truck.
  • Mater: (through the telephone) Ha-ha! That shows what you know. Dump trucks is dumb. (gets grabbed and pulled out by McQueen) Hey! Whoa!
  • Lightning McQueen: (through the telephone) Yeah, hi. This is Lightning McQueen.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) The Lightning McQueen, huh?
  • Lightning McQueen: (through the telephone) Look, I don't appreciate my best friend being insulted like that.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) McQueen, that was your best friend? Oh! This is the difference between you and Francesco. Francesco knows how good he is. He does not need to surround himself with tow trucks to prove it.
  • Lightning McQueen: (through the telephone) And those are strong words from a car that is so fragile.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) FRAGILE! He calls Francesco fragile! Not-a so fast, McQueen!
  • Lightning McQueen: (through the telephone) "Not so fast." What is that? Your new motto?
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (on TV) Motto?! (yells in Italian, before the audio gets switched to Axlerod, which causes Francesco to get mad and leave his screen, before rubbing his rear tires on the ground)
  • Miles Axlerod: (on TV) Well, this sounds like something that needs to be settled on the race course. What do you say, Lightning McQueen? We've still got room for one more racer.
  • Lightning McQueen: (through the telephone) Well, I would love to. The only thing is, my crew is off for the season, so... (looks back to see Ramone painting a banner saying "Team McQueen", and Guido popping the corks out of some wine bottles with his wheel gun)
  • Guido: Pit stop.
  • Lightning McQueen: You know what? They just got back. Deal me in, baby. Ka-chow! Yeah!
  • (Everyone then cheers, along with Sheriff chuckling, while Francesco appears on his screen, looking unhappy. McQueen then reverses out of the phone booth to talk to Sally and the team.)
  • Lightning McQueen: I know, I know. I just got back, but we won't be long and...
  • Sally Carrera: Oh! No, don't worry about me. I mean, I've got enough to do here. Mater's going to have a blast, though.
  • Lightning McQueen: (pauses for a moment)
  • Sally Carrera: You're bringing Mater, right? You never bring Mater to any of your races.
  • (McQueen looks toward Mater, who then takes a slurp from a drink and gulps, but then makes muffled cries as he feels the strong taste. Finding nowhere else to put it, he slurps it back into the same glass.)
  • Mater: Ah.
  • Sally Carrera: Just let him sit in the pits. Give him a headset. Come on, it will be the thrill of a lifetime for him.
  • Mater: Your drink, sir.
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater.
  • Mater: I didn't taste it!
  • Lightning McQueen: How'd you like to come and see the world with me?
  • Mater: (gasps) You mean it?
  • Lightning McQueen: Yeah. You got me into this thing. You're coming along!
  • Mater: All right!
  • (The screen shows McQueen inside a paint booth, being repainted by Ramone for the World Grand Prix, which includes a modified spoiler and actual headlights, while the song "You Might Think" plays. After Ramone finishes, McQueen comes out of the booth, revs his engine, and makes a pose.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Ka-chow! (flashes his headlights)
  • (The screen then shows McQueen's crew, which consists of Mater, Luigi, Guido, Sarge, and Fillmore. Most of them move back for Mater to show up, with a sticker of McQueen's bolt and racing number on his sides.)
  • Mater: Ha-ha!
  • (The screen then shows an airline timetable on the wall of an airport, before showing a forklift waving its traffic batons at a plane, which the camera then shows Team McQueen on the boarding stairs, waving to Sally, Red, Ramone, Flo and Sheriff. Red is seen crying inaudibly, and the camera then shows inside the airport as they watch the plane take off for Tokyo, Japan. At nighttime, during the journey, a flight attendant called Daniella Muffler offers snacks to McQueen and Mater, while the others are all asleep. The screen then skips to show McQueen and Mater watching a game show, where a car named Yukio is going down a ramp and hopping through giant road signs, with a column between each of them. Yokio then hits the final sign which is sealed, causing him to fall onto a platform, where the announcers, named Takeshi and Hiroaki, appear on the screen, laughing. In response to this, McQueen, Mater, laugh as well. Then the screen shows the plane, named Everett, landing in Tokyo while the Sun sets again, before showing aerial views of Tokyo with the lights of Tokyo Tower and the skyscrapers turning on as it gets dark. It then shows McQueen, Mater, Luigi, Guido, Fillmore, and Sarge driving, walking and fluttering in the streets, with other traffic around them, including Kabuto and Suki, seeing all the different neon signs. When they see a sign advertising a vacuum cleaner called "Lightning McClean", McQueen and Mater. The screen then shows a truck called Taia Decotura driving past with a screen on him showing Francesco performing tricks with a soccer ball. The screen then shows someone purchasing an item from a vending machine, before showing the team, then a car getting into a capsule hotel, before showing the team come into a shop full of McQueen merchandise. An RC McQueen toy then bumps into McQueen, who then looks to see Cartney Brakin, who is one of his fans.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Hey!
  • (Cartney then faints in excitement. The screen then shows both teams inside Kabuki-za watching Okuni and another kabuki dancer perform. Mater, who has paint of Japan's flag on his front along with an umbrella and drinks, is then seen backing up through the crowd to meet up with the team, as McQueen and the whole team look concerned.)
  • Mater: (getting through the crowd) Hey, excuse me! (comes up to McQueen, and speaks in Japanese) Domo arigato!
  • (The camera then shows the team inside Ryōgoku Kokugikan, where Pinion Tanaka and Kingpin Nobunaga are doing sumo. Pinion wins, which Kimura Kaizo, the referee, holds out a knockout sign.)
  • Mater: Yeah!
  • Lightning McQueen: (laughs)
  • (The screen then shows the team arriving at a museum which is similar to the National Art Center, as the press take pictures of them and the other World Grand Prix racers, before showing them entering a floor above the ground, as a couple of cameramen appear, along with Okuni, Shigeko and Tamiko, before showing different views of inside the building, then showing Terry Gong banging a gong, as the song "Polyrhythm" starts to play. The team is then seen going down a spiral ramp to the ground.)
  • Luigi: (noticing some Ferrari cars) Guido, look! Ferraris and tires. Let's go! (heads off with Guido to meet the Ferrari cars)
  • Lightning McQueen: Ho-ho! Look at this!
  • Lightning McQueen: OK, now, Mater, remember, best behavior.
  • Mater: You got it, buddy. (notices a zen rock garden) Hey, what's that? (heads off)
  • Lightning McQueen: No, Mater!
  • Lewis Hamilton: Hey, McQueen! Over here!
  • Lightning McQueen: Lewis!
  • Lewis Hamilton: Hey, man.
  • Lightning McQueen: Jeff!
  • Jeff Gorvette: Hey, Lightning! Can you believe this party?
  • (Then the screen shows Mater coming to the zen rock garden, which is shielded by glass, and has a vehicle called Zen Master making shapes in the sand.)
  • Mater: (taps on the glass to get Zen Master's attention) Hey! You done good. You got all the leaves!
  • Jeff Gorvette: Check out that tow truck!
  • Lewis Hamilton: Man, I wonder who that guy's with.
  • Lightning McQueen: Ah... Will you guys excuse me just for one little second? (drives towards Mater)
  • Mater: Ho-ho! Good job!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater!
  • Mater: Huh?
  • Lightning McQueen: Listen, this isn't Radiator Springs.
  • Mater: You're just realizing that? Oh-ho! That jet lag really done a number on you.
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, look, things are different over here. Which means maybe you should, you know, act a little different, too.
  • Mater: Different than what?
  • Lightning McQueen: (to Mater) Well, just help me out here, buddy. I...
  • Mater: You need help? Shoot! Why didn't you just say so? That's what a tow truck does.
  • Lightning McQueen: Yeah, I mean...
  • Mater: (notices Francesco talking to a couple of ladies) Hey, looky there! It's Mr. San Francisco. I'll introduce you. (drives towards Francesco, with the others following him)
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, no!
  • Mater: Look at me! I'm helping you already. Hey, Mr. San Francisco, I'd like you to meet...
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Ah, Lightning McQueen! Buona sera.
  • Lightning McQueen: Erm, nice to meet you, Francesco.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Nice to meet you, too. You are very good-looking. Not as good as I thought, but you're good.
  • Mater: Excuse me. Can I get a picture with you? (stands next to Francesco)
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Ah, anything for McQueen's friend.
  • Mater: (as a screen above them captures illustrations of their actions) Miss Sally is going to flip when she sees this.
  • Lightning McQueen: (sighs)
  • Mater: She's Lightning McQueen's girlfriend.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Oooh!
  • Mater: She's a big fan of yours.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Hey, she has-a good taste.
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater's prone to exaggeration. I wouldn't say she's a "big fan".
  • Mater: You're right. She's a huge fan! (to Francesco) She goes on and on about your open wheels here.
  • Lightning McQueen: Mentioning it once doesn't qualify as going on and on.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Francesco is familiar with this reaction to Francesco. Women respect a car that has-a nothing to hide.
  • Lightning McQueen: Yeah, er... (shakes his frame, does a fake laugh and smile)
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Let us have a toast.
  • Lightning McQueen: Let's.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: I dedicate my win tomorrow to Miss Sally.
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh. Sorry. I already dedicated my win tomorrow to her. So, if we both do it, it's really not so special. Besides, I don't have a drink.
  • Mater: I'll go get you one. Hey, do you mind if I borrow a few bucks for one of them drinks?
  • Lightning McQueen: They're free, Mater.
  • Mater: Free? Well, shoot, what am I doing here? (leaves)
  • Lightning McQueen: I should probably go keep an eye on him. See you at the race.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Yes, you will see Francesco, but not like this. (turns around to show a label on his rear wing saying, "Ciao, McQueen") You will see him like-a this as he drives away from you.
  • Lightning McQueen: Ha! That's cute! So, you had one of those made up for all the racers?
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (turns around) No.
  • Lightning McQueen: (chuckles) Okay. (drives away)
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Ciao, McQueen!
  • Lightning McQueen: (to himself) He is so getting beat tomorrow!
  • PA: Ladies and gentlecars, Sir Miles Axlerod!
  • Miles Axlerod: It is my absolute honor to introduce to you the competitors in the first ever World Grand Prix! From Brazil, Number 8, Carla Veloso!
  • (The crowd cheers. While Axlerod is saying his second sentence, the camera shows Kabuto, Chisaki, Suki, Yokoza, Ichigo, and Harumi on a bridge, before it moves down to show Finn arriving on the ground floor. Using a hiding spot from a structure, he uses his spy camera to scan the press's TV cameras, to see if they match the one on the oil platform. None of them do, and Finn then notices Holley Shiftwell, who then comes to him.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, hello.
  • Finn McMissile: Hello.
  • Holley Shiftwell: A Volkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator.
  • Finn McMissile: That's because it's air-cooled.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Great. I'm Agent Shiftwell. Holley Shiftwell from the Tokyo station. I have a message from London.
  • Finn McMissile: Not here. You must try the canapés on the mezzanine.
  • (Both Finn and Holley go onto an elevator to find a floor that is more private.)
  • Finn McMissile: So, the lab boys analyzed the photo I sent? What did they learn about the camera?
  • Holley Shiftwell: It appears to be a standard television camera. They said if you could get closer photos next time that would be great.
  • Finn McMissile: This was London's message?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, no. No. No, sir. Erm... The oil platforms you were on, turns out they're sitting on the biggest oil reserve in the world.
  • Finn McMissile: How did we miss that?
  • Holley Shiftwell: They've been scrambling everyone's satellites. The Americans actually discovered it just before you did. They placed an agent on that platform under deep cover. He was able to get a photo of the car who's running the entire operation.
  • Finn McMissile: (as they come out of the elevator) Great. Well, who is it? Has anyone seen the photo yet?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Nope, not yet. The American is here tonight to pass it to you. He'll signal you when he's ready.
  • Finn McMissile: Good, good. (sees Professor Z, Grem and Acer down below watching at Axlerod from another floor, as Rod in his Gremlin disguise comes to them) Oh, no.
  • Holley Shiftwell: What is it?
  • Finn McMissile: Change of plan. You're meeting the American.
  • Holley Shiftwell: What? Me?
  • Finn McMissile: Those thugs down there were on the oil platform. If they see me, the whole mission is compromised.
  • Holley Shiftwell: No, no, I'm technical. You see, I'm in diagnostics. I'm... I'm not a field agent.
  • Finn McMissile: You are now.
  • (The screen shows Mater is driving around, whistling, and it is shown that he is carrying a lot of drinks.)
  • Mater: (grabbing another drink from a waiter as he goes up a spiral ramp) I'll take one of them. Thank you. Never know which one McQueen will have a hankering for. (coming to one of the stands, where Daisu Tsashimi is one of the chefs) Hey. What you got here that's free? (notices some wasabi) How about that pistachio ice cream?
  • Daisu Tsashimi: No, no, wasabi.
  • Mater: Oh, same old same old. What's up with you? That looks delicious!
  • Daisu Tsashimi: (gives a little piece of wasabi)
  • Mater: Er...little more, please. It is free, right? (as Daisu puts more and more on) Keep it coming. A little more. Come on, let's go. It's free. You're gettin' there. Scoop, scoop. (as Daisu puts a whole scoop of wasabi on the box) There ya go! Now that's a scoop of ice cream!
  • Daisu Tsashimi: (in Japanese) お悔やみもしあります。 [My condolences.]
  • Miles Axlerod: And now our last competitor. Number 95, Lightning McQueen!
  • Lightning McQueen: (poses and shines his left headlight) Ka-chow! Thank you so much for having us, Sir Axlerod. I really look forward to racing. This is a great opportunity.
  • Miles Axlerod: Oh, the pleasure is all ours, Lightning. You and your team bring excellence and professionalism to this competition.
  • Mater: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! (drives to the water fountain behind McQueen and Axlerod) Somebody get me water! (drinks some of the water) Aah! Oh, sweet relief! Sweet relief. (mutters)
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (chuckles)
  • Mater: (through the microphone) Whatever you do, do not eat the pistachio ice cream! It has turned! (the word "turned" echoes)
  • Lightning McQueen: Sir Axlerod, (stutters) I can explain. This is Mater. He's...
  • Miles Axlerod: No, I know him. (taps Mater) This is the bloke that called in to the television show. You're the one I have to thank.
  • Mater: No, thank you. This trip's been amazin'!
  • Miles Axlerod: (notices that there is some oil beneath him and Mater) Ah! He's a little excited, isn't he?
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater!
  • Mater: But wait, I... Oh, shoot!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater!
  • Miles Axlerod: Has anyone got a towel?
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, you have to get a hold of yourself! You're making a scene!
  • Mater: But I never leak oil. Never.
  • Lightning McQueen: Go take care of yourself right now!
  • (Mater leaves, while a staff member is seen wiping the oil. He and Axlerod both look towards McQueen, who gives a nervous smile while fainted.)
  • Mater: (coming through the crowd) Comin' through! Excuse me! Leakin' oil. Where's the bathroom? (as someone points to a hallway) Thank you. I gotta go. (comes to the doors, which he cannot understand the Japanese writing or stick figures) Oh, er... (stammers) Er... (goes into the ladies' toilets)
  • Ladies: (screaming)
  • Mater: (drives out) Sorry, ladies. (drives into the men's toilets) I'm leakin'. (looks for an open toilet stall) I never leak. I never leak. I never leak, I never leak, I never leak. Oh, oh, I never leak. Oooh! (as someone comes out of a stall) I never leak, I never leak, never... (sees the design of a Japanese toilet) Wow-wee!
  • (Jaunty piped music is heard playing, and Mater starts to move forward, then gets pushed by the moving door.)
  • Mater: Oof! (as platforms around the toilet lifts him up) What in the...?
  • (Then a video screen appears, with a Japanese toilet assistant cartoon shown.)
  • Japanese Toilet Assistant Cartoon: (in Japanese) バスルームにようこそ。静かに座って、私たちは仕事をさせてください。これらのオプションのいずれかを選択してください。あなたはこのビデオを見ながらリラックスできます。 [Welcome to the bathroom. Please quietly sit down and let us do the work. Please choose one of these options. Relax while you watch this video.]
  • (While the cartoon is talking, clamps from the platforms grab onto Mater's rear tires, while the television screen then shows a picture of a waterfall. The clamps then lift Mater's rear tires up.)
  • Mater: Hey, that tickles! (unknowingly presses the bidet button)
  • Japanese Toilet Assistant Cartoon: (in Japanese) あなたの要求が受信されました。 [Your request was received.] (giggles as she feels water spraying onto her undercarriage)
  • (Suddenly, the water jets come out and spray water onto Mater's undercarriage.)
  • Mater: Waaargh! Aaaahh!
  • (Rod Redline, in his Gremlin disguise, drives into the bathroom. He then closes his eyes, taking his disguise off, and drives to a sink.)
  • Rod Redline: Okay, McMissile. I'm here. It's time for the drop. (turns on his status bar, and gives off a radar signal)
  • (Meanwhile, Holley is driving around the main room where the party is, when she hears beeping and looks on her left projection lamp to see the target located.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: OK, so, the American has activated his tracking beacon.
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Roger that. Move in.
  • (Then Rod notices that Grem and Acer are behind him. Getting ready, he gets out his concealed gun from his wheel, as Acer then lunges at him. Rod makes one shoot from his gun, but Acer slams into him, knocking him into the corner, where Grem repeatedly rams him.)
  • Mater: (still being hit by water, repeatedly jabs different buttons on the control pad) Stop! Hey!
  • Japanese Toilet Assistant Cartoon: (giggles, and speaks Japanese, as the soap button is pressed)
  • Mater: Ah!
  • (Then robotic arms spray soap onto Mater and scrub him, causing him to babble. Grem then tries to ram Rod again, but Rod begins turning and makes a head-on collide with Grem, as Acer then pushes Rod towards the stalls. One of the stall doors begins to open as Mater tries to get out, but Rod gets rammed into the door, pushing Mater back in, with the robotic arms again scrubbing him. Meanwhile, Holley is following the map to the beacon on her projection lamp, as it makes bleeping sounds.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, you've got to be joking.
  • Finn McMissile: What's the problem, Shiftwell?
  • Holley Shiftwell: He's in the loo.
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) So, go in!
  • Holley Shiftwell: I can't just go into the men's loo!
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Time is of the essence, Shiftwell!
  • Holley Shiftwell: All right. (drives towards the hallway)
  • (Meanwhile, Rod is reversing towards the wall, then Acer charges again, but then the door of Mater's stall flings open, causing Acer to run into it. Mater then comes out.)
  • Mater: Oh! Whatever you do, I would not go in there! (sees Grem and Acer) Hey! A Gremlin and a Pacer! No offense to your makes and models, but you guys break down harder than my cousin Betsy after she got left at the...
  • (While Mater is talking, Rod uses a telescoping utility arm to attach a device with the photo of the mastermind's engine onto Mater's undercarriage.)
  • Mater: (feels pain from the device attaching to him) ...altar! What the...? (notices Rod, who is damaged) Whoa. Are you OK?
  • Rod Redline: I'm fine.
  • Grem: Hey! Tow truck! We'd like to get to our private business here, if you don't mind.
  • Mater: Oh, yeah, sorry. Don't let me get in the way of your private business. Oh, a little advice. When you hear a giggle and see that waterfall, you best press that green button.
  • Grem: Thank you.
  • Mater: It's to adjust the temperature.
  • Acer: Got it!
  • Mater: And remember, it's in Celsius, not Fahrenheit.
  • Grem and Acer: Get out of here!
  • Mater: All right, then. And when she starts gigglin', prepare to be squirted!
  • (Holley then comes towards the door to the men's toilet, and is about to enter it when Mater comes out.)
  • Mater: 'Scuse me, ma'am. (drives away and then backfires) Oh! Dad-gum pistachio ice cream!
  • (Meanwhile, Holley notices on her projection lamp that the tracking beacon is on Mater.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: This cannot be him.
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Is he American?
  • Mater: Look out, ladies! Mater's fittin' to get funky!
  • Holley Shiftwell: Extremely.
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Then it's him.
  • Holley Shiftwell: (drives over to Mater) Hello.
  • Mater: Well, hello.
  • Holley Shiftwell: A Volkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator.
  • Mater: Well, of course it doesn't. That's 'cause it's air-cooled.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Perfect. Erm...I'm from the Tokyo Station.
  • Mater: 'Course, Karmann Ghias weren't the only ones. Besides the Beetles, you had your Type 3 Squarebacks with the Pancake motors.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yeah, OK. I get it.
  • Mater: And before both of them there's the Type 2 buses. My buddy Fillmore's one of them.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Listen! Erm... We should find somewhere more private.
  • Mater: Uh... Gee, don't you think that's a little, uh...?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yeah, you're right. Impossible to know which areas here are compromised. So, when can I see you again?
  • Mater: Well, let's see. Tomorrow I'll be out there at the races.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Got it. We'll rendezvous then.
  • (Then the screen shows Mater coming to McQueen and his team.)
  • Lightning McQueen: There you are. Where have you been?
  • Mater: What's a "rendezvous"?
  • Luigi: Er... It's like a date.
  • Mater: A date?
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, what's going on?
  • Mater: Well, what's going on is I got me a date tomorrow.
  • Guido: (speaks Italian) Non ci credo.
  • Luigi: Guido don't believe you.
  • Mater: Well, believe it. My new girlfriend just said so. (notices Holley in the distance) Hey, there she is. (waves to her) Hey! Hey, lady! See you tomorrow!
  • (Holley hears and sees Mater calling to her, but she just drives away.)
  • Guido: (speaks Italian) Non ci credo.
  • Luigi: Guido still don't believe you.
  • (The camera shows the lemons' lair from outside, near the Rainbow Bridge, as two combat ships are parked outside. Just after Grem starts talking, the camera shows inside the lair, where the lemons are surrounding Rod Redline, who is pulled to a magnet and has parking boots on his front tires.)
  • Grem: I got to admit, you tricked us real good.
  • Acer: And we don't like being tricked.
  • Rod Redline: (chuckles)
  • Acer: Hey! What's so funny?
  • Rod Redline: Well, you know, I was just wearing a disguise. You guys are stuck looking like that!
  • (Unimpressed, Grem pushes a lever, turning the magnet off, and causing Rod to land on a small platform, where one of the lemons pushes a fuel tank of Allinol towards him.)
  • Rod Redline: Allinol? Thanks, fellas! I hear this stuff is good for you.
  • Professor Zündapp: (arriving from an elevator) So you think. Allinol by itself is good for you. (presses a button, which causes some cylinders attached to the platform to turn Rod's rear tires and make whirring sounds as his status bar shows his speedometer going up) But after microscopic examination I have found that it has one small weakness. When hit with an electromagnetic pulse, it becomes extremely dangerous.
  • Grem: (moving a camera forward) Smile for the camera.
  • Rod Redline: Is that all you want? I got a whole act.
  • Professor Zündapp: You were very interested in this camera on the oil platform. Now, you will witness what it really does.
  • Rod Redline: Whatever you say, Professor.
  • Acer: (as a Pacer comes up with a TV screen showing a picture of Rod with a Japanese pink car while in disguise) You talked up a lot of cars last night. Which one's your associate?
  • Rod Redline: Your mother. Oh, no, I'm sorry, it was your sister. You know, I can't tell them apart these days.
  • Grem: Could I start it now, Professor Z?
  • Professor Zündapp: Go 50% power.
  • (Grem then pushes a lever beneath the camera that causes the lens to light up and make whirring sounds, going to 50% power.)
  • Professor Zündapp: This camera is actually an electromagnetic pulse emitter.
  • Acer: (showing Rod a picture of him with Shigeko) What about her? Did you give it to her?
  • Professor Zündapp: The Allinol is now heating to a boil, dramatically expanding, causing the engine block to crack under the stress, forcing oil into the combustion chamber. (While Professor Z is talking, Rod's engine is heard cracking, then the oil is heard flowing.)
  • Acer: (showing Rod a picture of him with a Japanese red Ferrari at a sushi stand) How about him?! Did you talk to him?
  • Rod Redline: (as smoke gets emitted from his tailpipes) What do I care? I can replace an engine block!
  • Professor Zündapp: You may be able to, but after full impact of the pulse... (as Grem pushes the generator's lever to 75% power) unfortunately... there will be nothing to replace.
  • Acer: (showing Rod a picture of him with Mater in the bathroom) How about him? Does he have it?
  • (Rod trembles upon seeing the image, which Professor Z then notices and looks at the picture.)
  • Professor Zündapp: That's him. He's the one.
  • Grem: Roger that, Professor Z.
  • Rod Redline: No!
  • Professor Zündapp: (through the telephone to the mastermind and their friend) Yes, sir. We believe the infiltrator has passed along sensitive information. (after the mastermind and their replied indistinctly) I will take care of it before any damage can be done. (hangs up) The project is still on schedule. You will find the second agent and kill him.
  • (Professor Z then pushes the generator's lever to 100% power, which the screen then shows the picture of Rod and Mater, zooming in as a reflection of Rod is shown, shaking as the generator's electromagnetic pulse gets more powerful, before he finally explodes.)
  • (The screen shows a distant view of Mount Fuji and a Japanese tower while the World Grand Prix theme music begins playing and Brent Mustangburger starts talking, then it shows Okuni, Shigeko and Tamiko on a small bridge near the Tokyo Imperial Palace, before showing the first World Grand Prix race, with Brent Mustangburger, Darrell Cartrip and David Hobbscap commentating as the racers get fueled up and do a formation lap.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: Japan, land of the rising sun, where ancient tradition meets modern technology. Welcome to the inaugural running of the World Grand Prix. I'm Brent Mustangburger here with racing legends Darrell Cartrip and David Hobbscap. There's never been a competition like this before. First, Allinol, making its debut tonight as the required fuel for all these great champions. Second, the course itself. And it's like nothing we've ever seen before. David, how exactly does this competition work?
  • David Hobbscap: Well, Brent, all three of these street courses are classic round-the-house racetracks. This means that the LMP and formula cars should break out of the gate in spectacular fashion. Look for Francesco Bernoulli, in particular, to lead early. And with the series of technical turns throughout, GT and touring cars, like Spain's Miguel Camino, should make up some ground but I doubt it'll be enough to stop Francesco from absolutely running away with it.
  • Darrell Cartrip: Whoa now. Just hold your horsepower. You forget the most important factor here - that early dirt track section of the course. The dirt is supposed to be the great equalizer in this race.
  • Brent Mustangburger: French rally car Raoul ÇaRoule is counting on a big boost headed through there.
  • Darrell Cartrip: And don't forget Lightning McQueen. His mentor, the Hudson Hornet, was one of the greatest dirt track racers of all time. In my opinion, McQueen is the best all-around racer in this competition.
  • David Hobbscap: Really, Darrell, I think you need to clean your windshield. You're clearly not seeing this for what it is: Francesco's race to lose.
  • Brent Mustangburger: It's time to find out. The racers are locking into the grid.
  • Lightning McQueen: (stretches his tires, and closes his eyes) Speed. I am speed.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (laughs) Really? You are speed? Then Francesco is triple speed. (closes his eyes) Francesco is triple speed. (opens his eyes) Ho-ho! Francesco likes-a this McQueen! It's-a really getting him into the zone!
  • Lightning McQueen: (to himself) He is so getting beat today!
  • (One set of red lights turns on one-by-one, before another set of lights beneath it turns green. The racers start the first lap, with Raoul ÇaRoule and Miguel Camino leading through the narrow streets of Tokyo, before Raoul gets overtaken by Max Schnell and Carla Veloso, and Miguel also gets overtaken by Jeff Gorvette, Shu Todoroki, Lightning McQueen, Francesco Bernoulli, Nigel Gearsley and Lewis Hamilton, with Rip Clutchgoneski behind him. McQueen and Francesco make their moves around Jeff, Carla, Raoul and Max, which Francesco takes the lead with McQueen behind him as they go around the first corner.)
  • John Lassetire: Jeff, your tires are...
  • Bruno Motoreau: (speaks French)
  • Mach Matsuo: (speaks Japanese)
  • Sarge: Your suspension sets look good.
  • Luigi: Tire pressure is excellent!
  • Fillmore: He's got plenty of fuel.
  • Mater: And he's awesome!
  • Crowd: (chanting and clapping) McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!
  • (The screen then shows Finn and Holley inside a building overlooking the racetrack, as they have eyes on Mater, who is wearing a headset.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Why is he in the pits? He's so exposed.
  • Finn McMissile: It's his cover. One of the best I've seen, too. Look at the detail on that rust. It must have cost him a fortune.
  • Holley Shiftwell: (using her on-board computer dual trackball platforms) But why hasn't he contacted us yet?
  • Finn McMissile: There's probably heat on him. Be patient.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Right, of course. He'll signal us when he can.
  • Finn McMissile: And then we find out who's behind all this.
  • Brent Mustangburger: (announcing) As they head into the palace hairpin, Francesco builds an early lead.
  • Darrell Cartrip: Ah, hang on, boys. Here comes the dirt. Slipping and sliding, baby.
  • Mater: McQueen, it's time to make your move! Get on the outside and show 'im what Doc done taught you!
  • Lightning McQueen: 10-4, Mater.
  • David Hobbscap: (as Francesco struggles to brake on the dirt) Oh, boy! Francesco's brought to a screeching halt!
  • Brent Mustangburger: (as McQueen uses Doc's "turn right to go left" trick to overtake Francesco) Lightning McQueen is the first to take advantage. And just like that, folks, Francesco's lead is left in the dust.
  • Lightning McQueen: Nice call, Mater. Keep it up!
  • Darrell Cartrip: (as some of the other racers are shown to have overtaken Francesco) Whoo-hoo! Man, McQueen looks happier than a roll bar at a demolition derby!
  • Brent Mustangburger: (after the rest of the racers get ahead of Francesco) Everyone's jostling for position as we hit the asphalt again. Francesco lost a lot of momentum in the dirt.
  • (As they go into a tunnel on the asphalt, Francesco accelerates, making several moves around Miguel, Raoul, Rip, Nigel and Jeff before they come to a zigzag that is outside of the tunnel.)
  • David Hobbscap: Wow, he's got some serious work ahead of him if he wants to get back in this race.
  • Brent Mustangburger: Now, the racers hit the Rainbow Bridge, with its 360-degree loop.
  • (As the racers go around the loop leading up to Rainbow Bridge, Francesco overtakes Lewis, who is then overtaken by Rip when they come onto Rainbow Bridge, as McQueen leads ahead of Carla and Shu, who are now ahead of Francesco after he overtakes Max. As they get onto another straight, Francesco overtakes Shu, as well as Carla a while before they come to the start/finish straight, with McQueen leading ahead of Francesco, as Lewis has already overtook Rip, who is ahead of Miguel and Nigel, with Jeff having got ahead of Raoul. Meanwhile, Grem and Acer are watching from a balcony with the electromagnetic pulse, and wearing headsets.)
  • Professor Zündapp: (through the radio) It is time.
  • Grem: Roger that. (pushes the emitter's lever to 75% power, and aims it at Miguel, whose engine explodes upon being hit by the pulse)
  • Darrell Cartrip: (as Miguel immediately comes into the pits) Oh! Miguel Camino has blown an engine!
  • Brent Mustangburger: Very unusual, Darrell. He's been so consistent all year.
  • Grem: (notices Mater in the pits) You gotta be kidding me!
  • Acer: What is it?
  • Grem: It's the tow truck from the bathroom.
  • Acer: The one from the bathroom?
  • Grem: Yeah, the one the American agent passed the device to!
  • Acer: What about him?
  • Grem: What about him?! He's in the pits!
  • Acer: Not for long! (drives away)
  • Holley Shiftwell: (hearing a bleeping sound on her on-board computer) Hold on. I think I've got something.
  • Finn McMissile: What is it?
  • Holley Shiftwell: It's the Pacer from the party last night. I'm cross-referencing with the photos from the oil derricks. (getting both photos together) Yep. His VIN numbers match.
  • Finn McMissile: Anyone with him? He won't be alone.
  • Holley Shiftwell: (scanning the lemons on and around the stands) Conducting analysis on the target. He's not the only one here. Three, five... They're everywhere. And they're all closing in on... (sees the camera on her computer centering on Mater) Oh, no! Finn? Finn, where are you?
  • Finn McMissile: (having gone out of the building) Get him out of the pits! Now!
  • Mater: (hearing the racers' engines revving) Wow! Some of them fellers is really loud!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio to Mater) Can you hear me? Over.
  • Mater: Uh... What?
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio) Get out of the pit now! Do you hear me?
  • Mater: Hey. I know you! You're that girl from the party last night. You wanna do our date right now?
  • Lightning McQueen: (hearing Mater through the radio) Guys, a little too much chatter. Let's keep this line clear.
  • Brent Mustangburger: (as Rip spins after being hit by the pulse emitter) Smoke from number 10, Clutchgoneski!
  • Grem: Ha-ha-ha!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio to Mater) There's no time for messing about! You've got to get out of the pits!
  • Mater: Well, is there going to be cable where you is so I can watch the rest of the race?
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio) You're running out of time!
  • Finn McMissile: (as he drives underneath the stands) They're coming, Shiftwell! Get him out of there!
  • Holley Shiftwell: I'm trying! (through the radio to Mater) Get out now!
  • Mater: (turning around and heading to the back of the pits) Well, I usually like to have a proper detailin' done before I meet a lady friend. (leaves)
  • (However, Acer and a blue Pacer named Petey Pacer already arrive at the shutter door.)
  • Mater: (seeing his reflection on a hood, notices something on his buck teeth) Huh?
  • (Acer then opens the shutter door, only to see Finn with a fire extinguisher, as Mater is behind another shutter door.)
  • Acer: Finn McMissile?! But you're dead!
  • Finn McMissile: Then this shouldn't hurt at all. (shoots foam from the fire extinguisher at the two lemons)
  • Acer and Petey Pacer: (both crying out as the foam gets shot over their eyes) Aaah!
  • (Finn then leaves with the two lemons following him while having their vision blocked by the foam. Just as they leave, Mater comes out of the pits, heading in a different direction. Finn makes a turn away from the stands, with Petey following him, followed by Acer. Petey then makes another left turn while Acer goes straight ahead, only for Petey to run into a police officer, who gets covered with foam. Petey gasps as he realizes who he is seeing, as the police officer sets off the siren, before the camera shows Mater driving through the streets, as other lemons follow on different roads.)
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Miss Shiftwell?
  • Holley Shiftwell: I've got him in the back alleys east of the garages. Multiple assailants are closing in quickly.
  • Finn McMissile: Keep him moving. I'm on my way! (gets onto the roofs with his grappling hooks)
  • Mater: (noticing a flower shop) Hey, new lady friend, you like flowers?
  • Lightning McQueen: (hearing Mater) What?!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio to Mater) No! Don't go in anywhere. Just keep moving.
  • Mater: Stay outside. Got you.
  • Lightning McQueen: (hearing Mater) Outside? (moves to the outside of the loop heading to Rainbow Bridge)
  • Brent Mustangburger: Whoa! McQueen suddenly moves to the outside!
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (passing McQueen, speaks in Italian) Grazie di arrivederci! (accelerates)
  • Darrell Cartrip: I cannot believe what I just saw, Brent. That was a bonehead move to open up the inside like that!
  • David Hobbscap: That move might have cost McQueen the victory!
  • (Mater then continues driving, as a red Gremlin heads towards him. Finn, still up on the roofs, uses one of his grappling hooks to knock over a vending machine, causing it to smash on the ground in front of the red Gremlin, as the florist, named Hans, wakes up upon hearing it smash. Believing that it is the Gremlin who broke it, Hans gathers up two assistants, and they all angrily speak in Japanese as they push the Gremlin away. Finn then comes back on the ground, but then notices another lemon, named Fred Pacer, who rams him. He stops beside two other lemons, who join Fred to shield Finn and push him towards Acer, who is holding a flame-thrower.)
  • Acer: This time, I'm gonna make sure you stay dead! (puts on his welding helmet and makes his flame-thrower shoot out long flames)
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio to Mater, who is on one of the minor roads that leads to Finn's scene) You're doing brilliantly. Now just stay focused.
  • Mater: What's that? You want me to head toward that ruckus? (heads towards the road where Finn and the lemons are)
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio) No! Don't go down that street!
  • (However, Mater still keeps on going, as the lemons continue to push Finn towards Acer's flame-thrower. However, Finn leaps free, causing the lemon behind him to move forward towards Acer, who turns the flame-thrower away from him. Meanwhile, Mater has just arrived.)
  • Towga Gremlin: Ohh! (crashes into Acer, with an explosion causing them to go up in the air)
  • (Acer lands on a chopstick sign, knocking over the food shape.)
  • Finn McMissile: (performing martial arts as the other lemons confront him) Hi-yah!
  • Mater: Wow! A live karate demonstration!
  • Lightning McQueen: Stop it, Mater! Just sign off.
  • (Finn then activates his front steel magnet wheels upon making them hit the ground, then throws Fred Pacer towards an elevator platform of a parking stack.)
  • Fred Pacer: Aaargh!
  • (Finn then shoots a cable which causes the elevator to go up, crushing Fred against the roof.)
  • David Hobbscap: (as McQueen closes the gap on Francesco and goes side-by-side) And here they come, the two leaders.
  • Brent Mustangburger: They're bumper to bumper as they approach the finish line!
  • (Meanwhile, the remaining lemon heads towards Finn, but Finn uses his steel magnet wheels to jump onto a wall and back on the ground as the lemon then barrels under the elevator platform, where Finn then shoots the winch cable, causing the elevator fall down onto the lemon, while Francesco and McQueen are just yards away from the finish line, at the end of lap 52.)
  • David Hobbscap: It's gonna be close!
  • Brent Mustangburger: (as Francesco and McQueen cross the finish line) Francesco's the winner! McQueen's number two!
  • (Fireworks then whizz and pop.)
  • (The screen then shows Finn again.)
  • Mater: That was cool! Hey! Can I get your autograph?
  • (Karate students then come out of a building, speaking in Japanese and driving past Mater, as other residents come out of the buildings after watching the race. Mater then looks around as the students drive past him, while Finn vanishes.)
  • Mater: (noticing that Finn has gone) Hey, where'd he go?
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio) Our rendezvous has been jeopardized. Keep the device safe. We'll be in touch.
  • Mater: Dad-gum, did I miss our date? (heads back to the pits)
  • (The screen then moves up to show Finn on top of the elevator platform beside the corpses of the two lemons, before he then swings away with his grappling hooks.)
  • (The camera then shows McQueen, Francesco and Carla on the podium as they get interviewed.)
  • Photographer: Francesco!
  • Darrell Cartrip: Francesco, over here. Hey, what was your strategy today?
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Strategia? Francesco needs-a no strategy! It's-a very simple. You start the race, wait for Lightning McQueen to choke, pass him, then win. Francesco always-a wins. It's-a boring.
  • Darrell Cartrip: I gotta tell you, dude, you were in trouble for a while. That dirt track section had you crawling.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: To truly crush one's dream, you must first raise their hopes very high.
  • (While Francesco and Darrell are talking, McQueen feels unhappy, then he notices Mater coming back to the pits. With no one noticing him, McQueen leaves and arrives in the pits, after Mater takes his headset off.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater!
  • Mater: Hey, McQueen! What happened? Is the race over? You won, right?
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, why were you yelling things at me while I was racing?
  • Mater: Yelling? Oh, you thought... Oh, that's funny right there. No, see, that's 'cause I seen these two fellers doing some sort of karate street performance. It was nutso. One of 'em even had a flame-thrower.
  • Lightning McQueen: A flame-thrower? What are you talking about? I... I don't understand. Where were you?
  • Mater: Going to meet my date.
  • Lightning McQueen: Your date?
  • Mater: She started talkin' to me as a voice in my head, tellin' me where to go.
  • Lightning McQueen: What?!
  • Mater: Wait a minute. I didn't screw ya up, did I?
  • Lightning McQueen: I lost the race because of you!
  • Mater: Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
  • Lightning McQueen: An imaginary girlfriend?! Flame-throwers?! This is exactly why I don't bring you along to these things!
  • Mater: Maybe if I, I don't know, talk to somebody and explained what happened, I could help.
  • Lightning McQueen: I don't need your help! I don't want your help! (drives away)
  • Reporter 1: (noticing McQueen) Hey, there he is!
  • Reporter 2: McQueen, you had it in the bag!
  • Nick Cartone: Yeah! What happened?
  • Lightning McQueen: I...I made a mistake. But I can assure you, it won't happen again.
  • Reporters: (all calling out)
  • Lightning McQueen: Look, guys, we know what the problem is and we've taken care of it.
  • Reporters: (all calling out)
  • (Mater sadly watches at McQueen and sadly drives away)
  • Brent Mustangburger: (on TV) Lightning McQueen loses in the last lap to Francesco Bernoulli in the first race of the World Grand Prix. And three - count 'em - three cars flamed out leaving some to suggest that their fuel, Allinol, might be to blame.
  • Miles Axlerod: (being interviewed) Allinol is safe! Alternative fuel is safe! There is no way my fuel caused these cars to flame out!
  • Darrell Cartrip: Well, the jury may still be out on whether Allinol caused these accidents, but one thing's for sure, Lightning McQueen blew this race!
  • Brent Mustangburger: Team McQueen can't be happy right now.
  • (The screen then changes to show Mater sadly looking at the "Team McQueen" billboard while at the Tokyo Airport.)
  • (Then they leave for a plane back to America, with the screen showing that Mater had removed his sticker of McQueen's racing number and lightning bolt.)
  • Announcer: (on PA) Welcome to Tokyo International Airport.
  • (As Mater head to the check-in, Grem and Acer are shown watching them from the back of a queue. At the check-in, a traveler named Alex Vandel tries to get through the metal detector, but the alarm wails, as Murakarmi checks for any metal on him. As Mater join the queue, Finn arrives, disguised as a security guard.)
  • Finn McMissile: (speaks Japanese) Come with me, please, sir.
  • Mater: But I'm 'onna miss my plane.
  • Finn McMissile: (as they go through a smaller room) Right this way. (releases a spy camera from one of his wheels)
  • Mater: Ah, doggone it. This is about my hook, ain't it? I know I should have checked it, but I can't, really. (as they go into the waiting room) Look. It's attached to me.
  • (Finn turns his disguise off)
  • Mater: Hey, I know you. You're that feller from the karate demonstration.
  • Finn McMissile: I never properly introduced myself. Finn McMissile. British Intelligence.
  • Mater: Tow Mater. Average intelligence.
  • Finn McMissile: Who are you with? FBI? CIA?
  • Mater: Let's just say I'm AAA affiliated. I know some karate.
  • Mater: I don't want to brag or nuttin', but I got me a black fan belt. Hey, you wanna see some moves I made up?
  • Finn McMissile: (hears a beeping sound and looks on his wing mirror to see through his spy camera that Grem and Acer are heading towards the room) You're being followed. (shoots a glass cutter at the window)
  • Mater: This first one, I can reach into a car's hood pull out his battery, and show it to him before he stalls. I call it, "What I accidentally did to my friend Luigi once." (does karate moves, crushing an oil can) Hey! Hi-yah-pah! Hi-yah!
  • Grem: There he is!
  • Mater: Hi-hi-tah! Huh! (after Finn's glass cutter finishes cutting through the window) Look, I probably ought to go. I'm about to miss my flight. (starts to leave)
  • Finn McMissile: (grabbing Mater with his grappling hooks) Don't worry. I've taken care of that. (pulls them towards the hole in the window)
  • Mater: (being pulled) Whoa!
  • Finn McMissile: (jumping through the hole) Hang on!
  • Acer: (grunts)
  • Mater: Whoa-hah-hah! This is first-class service. You don't even have to go through the terminal!
  • Airport crew member: (speaks Japanese, after seeing Grem and Acer going over the roof of boarding stairs and giving chase to our heroes along the runway)
  • Mater: Your karate partners is back there. They kinda look like they tryin' to catch up!
  • Finn McMissile: Drive forward. Whatever you do, don't stop! (spins around, making Mater go forward)
  • Mater: (as a passenger plane heads towards them) Whoa!
  • Passenger plane: Whoa!
  • (Mater zigzags around the plane's wheels. Grem dodges the plane, and prepares to shoot a missile. Finn then releases a wheeled motorized jack, which comes to Grem and lifts him up at an angle.)
  • Grem: Whoa... (releases his missile, before being tipped over) Aah!
  • (Seeing that the missile is heading towards them, Finn releases another one at it, causing the two missiles to explode behind them.)
  • Mater: Is everything okay back there?
  • Siddeley: Finn, it's Sid. I'm on approach.
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Roger that.
  • (Acer is then shown pulling flatbed trolleys of baggage across the runway, blocking the team's path.)
  • Mater: 'Member that whole thing about me not stoppin' no matter what?
  • (Just then, Siddeley appears and shoots bullets at the flatbed trolleys to make some of them go up into the air and clear the path.)
  • Mater: Whoa! I knew I shoulda done carry-on!
  • Finn McMissile: (to Siddeley) Thanks, old boy!
  • Siddeley: (lands on the runway while still moving) You got it, mate. (opens his back ramp)
  • Mater: (seeing Holley inside) Hey, doggonit! Look, it's my imaginary girlfriend!
  • Holley Shiftwell: Come on! Get in here!
  • Mater: I tell you what, you really do want this first date, don't ya? (as Holley watches with a shocked face) That's a no-quit attitude right there!
  • (Suddenly, gunshots are seen beside them.)
  • Mater: What the...?
  • (Behind them, Acer is chasing them, trying to shoot them. One of the bullets then deflates one of Siddeley's tires.)
  • Siddeley: (being turned to the left and across the grass) Aargh!
  • Finn McMissile: Hold on, Sid!
  • (Siddeley then stops turning and goes straight along another runway, while Acer still keeps trying to shoot bullets at the team. Finn then pulls out his gun and fires back, deflating Acer's front right tire.)
  • Acer: Aargh!
  • (Acer is then turned towards boarding stairs through an airplane, where two waitresses notice him going through the air, before he comes out the other side and falls into a lavatory service truck's tank of car waste, making a muffled cry. Siddeley then lifts his bodywork up, as he hits some signs showing the airport's barriers up ahead)
  • Siddeley: Come on, Finn! It's now or never!
  • (Finn then spins around so that he is going forwards.)
  • Mater: Whoa!
  • (Quickly, Finn heads into Siddeley with Mater behind him.)
  • Siddeley: Hold on! (takes off just before he can hit the barriers)
  • (Mater's voice is then heard before the screen shows McQueen, Luigi, Guido, Sarge and Fillmore reading a letter from Mater written by him while inside a hotel. Luigi and Guido are both sobbing while having large pupils in their eyes like Japanese anime characters.)
  • Mater: (through text on a letter) By the time you read this, I will be safely on an airplane flying home. I'm so sorry for what I did.
  • Lightning McQueen: (reading the letter) "I don't want to be the cause of you losing any more races. I want you to go prove to the world what I already know. That you are the greatest race car in the whole wide world. Your best friend, Mater." I didn't really want him to leave.
  • Guido: (sobs)
  • Luigi: Wait, there's more here. (moves the letter aside to see more notes, and reads the first one) "PS. Please tell the hotel I didn't mean to order that movie. I thought it was just a preview and I didn't realize I was paying for it." (moves the note aside to read the next one) "PPS. That's funny right there. PP." (moves it to see two notes with P.P.P.S. and P.P.P.P.S.) There are a few more pages of PS's here.
  • Lightning McQueen: Well, a-at least I know if he's at home, he'll be safe.
  • Finn McMissile: Now that's how I like to start the day. You never feel more alive than when you're almost dead.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yeah. I hope that device didn't fall off. (presses a button on her seat to turn Mater's seat around and move the backrest down, seeing that the device is still on his undercarriage)
  • Mater: Whoa! Oh-oh-oh! That's the closet I ever been to missin' my flight. That was... (exclaims as Holley pulls the device off him with her telescoping utility arm) Oh!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (checking on the device) Still in one piece? Great. (goes to a mainframe computer and plugs the device in, which the computer says "Decrypting")
  • Mater: Boy, I've got to go to a doctor. I keep gettin' these sharp pains in my undercarriage.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Downloading the photo now.
  • Mater: Hey, let me introduce you two. This here is Finn McSomethin' or other. He's a first-class VIP airport whatchamacallit. And, Finn, this here is my date.
  • (as Holley looks confused at Mater's comment)
  • Mater: I never did get your name.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, yes, sorry. It's Shiftwell. Holley Shiftwell.
  • Mater: It's Shiftwell. Holley...
  • (Suddenly, the decrypting finishes, and a projector in the ceiling moves along over the characters as the windows get covered. The projector then displays the photo in vertical as well as a thin green light beam going across the interior in the shape of a barrier and between Mater, Finn and Holley.)
  • Finn McMissile: Finally. Time to see who's behind all this.
  • Holley Shiftwell: (seeing the photo) What is this?
  • Mater: Well, that's one of the worst engines ever made. It's an old aluminium V8 with a Lucas electrical system and Whitworth bolts. (as Holley turns the photo into a horizontal position) Shoot, them Whitworth bolts is a pain, tell you what. Them ain't metric, they ain't inches.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yes, OK, right, but whose engine is this, Mater?
  • Mater: Well, it's kinda hard to tell from this picture, ain't it?
  • Holley Shiftwell: But you're the one who took it.
  • Finn McMissile: Holley.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh. Right! Yes, of course. A good agent gets what he can, then gets out before he's killed. Sorry.
  • Mater: Agent? You mean, like, insurance agent? Like... (sings) ♪ Like a good neighbor, Mater is there! ♪ Wait! You mean secret agents! You guys is spies!
  • Finn McMissile: Holley, in how many makes and models did this type of engine appear?
  • Holley Shiftwell: (getting up the stats) It was standard in seven models over a 12-year period. At least 35,000 cars were made with this engine.
  • Mater: (moves his seat closer to Holley and across the light beam) You're purty.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yes, alright, thank you.
  • Mater: And so nice.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Just pay attention. (moves the light beam so that it is between them)
  • Finn McMissile: This seems like a dead end.
  • (Mater tries to get a view of Holley, but she keeps dragging the photo to block his sight, then makes the photo bigger.)
  • Finn McMissile: If there was something in the photo that could narrow this down a bit, I'd be a lot happier.
  • Mater: You might not be happy, but I bet this feller is. See how he's had most of his parts replaced? And see all them boxes over there? Them's all original parts. They ain't easy to come by.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Rare parts?
  • Finn McMissile: That's something we can track.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Exactly!
  • Finn McMissile: (as the projector turns off and the windows open) Yes, well done, Mater. I would never have seen that. I know of a black-market parts dealer in Paris, a treacherous lowlife, but he's the only car in the world who can tell us whose engine this is. Mater, what would you say to setting up an informal task force on this one?
  • Mater: Wait. What?
  • Finn McMissile: That's right. And you obviously have plenty of experience in the field, Mater.
  • Mater: Well, yeah, I live right next to one. I don't know, Finn. I ain't exactly been much help to anybody recently.
  • Finn McMissile: You're helping me. Please, Mater.
  • Mater: Well... Okay. (to Finn) But you know I'm just a tow truck, right?
  • Finn McMissile: Right. And I'm just in the import-export business.
  • Finn McMissile: Siddeley?
  • Siddeley: Yes, Finn?
  • Finn McMissile: Paris! Tout de suite.
  • Mater: Yeah, two of them sweets for me, too, Sid!
  • Mater: (to Holley) And you know, I always wanted to be a spy.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Really? Me, too.
  • Siddeley: Afterburners, sir?
  • Finn McMissile: Is there any other way?
  • (Siddeley then uses his afterburners, before the screen then shows different moments in Paris, first with our heroes at the roundabout around the Arc de Triomphe, where Mater is struggling to find a gap in the traffic on the roundabout without colliding, as the cars behind him toot and shout at him. Next, an organ grinder is seen playing at the Notre-Dame Cathedral, before the screen shows our heroes crossing the Pont des Arts, as Mater turns around and drives backwards as he watches two cars named John and Nancy kissing each other on the bridge. Then it shows an artist named Henri Motisse, who is painting a portrait of two cars named Lubewig and Geartrude in front of the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, but they both have an expression slightly different to on the portrait. At the Louvre Museum, our heroes arrive, as some mini-planes fly away due to Mater getting too close to them.)
  • Mater: (just as the birds fly away) Ha ha ha!
  • (Our heroes then continue driving through the streets of Paris, past Gastow's restaurant. The screen then shows Mater watching a mime named Louis LaRue performing in front of some cars at the Eiffel Tower, before the team then catches up with Finn and Holley. The camera is then shown in the air above the buildings, as Mater hides behind skips and pallets as he follows Finn and Holley.)
  • Finn McMissile: Once we're inside, stay close. Don't bother checking VIN numbers with criminal records. They're all dodgy here.
  • Holley Shiftwell: No VIN scans. Got it.
  • Finn McMissile: Don't talk to anyone, don't look at anyone, and absolutely, positively no idling. Are we clear?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yes, right. No idling. Yes, sir.
  • Finn McMissile: Mater?
  • Mater: (hiding behind a skip) Yeah, Finn?
  • Finn McMissile: We're not here to go shopping.
  • Mater: Shoppin'? What do you mean? Why would I... (as they go around the corner, he notices a market) Dad-gum!
  • Market Seller 1: Part for sale, monsieur.
  • Market Seller 2: Monsieur, part for sale.
  • Mater: You gotta be kiddin' me. They got everything here. No! Look at them hoods! I could use a hood.
  • Mater: (hears either Finn or Holley honk their horn, to the market sellers) Sorry, fellers. I gotta go! (follows Finn and Holley into the Marché Aux Pièces)
  • Mater: (as he sees the different market stalls) Oh-oh-oh! Wow. Whoa. He-he! (stops next to a peculiar stall) Do what?
  • Mater: (to the vendor) Excuse me. What are you selling?
  • Celine Dephare: (opens her eyes, which are in her headlights) Headlights, monsieur, headlights?
  • Mater: (gasps) What in the...? Ew! (drives away)
  • Celine Dephare: Two for one! I give you good price!
  • Mater: It's OK! I'm good! (all leave)
  • (Finn then rounds a corner along with Holley, but quickly hides when seeing Tomber talking to someone while in French.)
  • Finn McMissile: (turns his wing mirror to get a sight of Tomber) There you are.
  • Mater: (rounding the corner) Man, there is some great bargains here!
  • Finn McMissile: Mater, get back!
  • Tomber: (hearing Mater) Imbécile!
  • (Tomber turns around to see who is there. Mater then hides, but Tomber looks closer, and upon seeing Finn's reflection on some hubcaps, he quickly flees, as Finn and Holley chase after him.)
  • Mater: Hey, wait for me!
  • (Tomber whizzes down a narrow aisle as Finn and Holley try to get to him. Tomber then knocks over a support for a stall roof, causing it fall down and form a ramp, which Finn goes over it. Holley then gasps as she sees what is ahead, and makes a sharp turn followed by Mater. Tomber then accelerates away from Finn, but suddenly notices Holley stopping in front of him. Tomber tries to brake, but then flips over.)
  • Tomber: Ahhhhhh! (lands in a tire stall, then gets zapped by Holley's electroshock device) Ag-g-g-h!
  • Finn McMissile: (stops Holley) Have you lost your mind?!
  • Holley Shiftwell: But I thought...
  • Finn McMissile: Mater, this chap needs a tow. Hook him up.
  • Mater: Well, sure thing.
  • (Finn and Holley then drive towards a garage, followed by the team as Mater tows Tomber.)
  • Tomber: (as Mater tows him) You rusty piece of junk! Get your dirty hook off me!
  • Finn McMissile: (speaks in French to a car in the garage) Allez! Maintenant - vite!
  • (The car in the garage then flees, as Holley, Mater, and Tomber enter. Tomber then talks angrily in French, then Finn closes the garage door so to keep anyone from coming in.)
  • Tomber: (as he gets released by Mater) Electroshock! Are you kidding me?!
  • Finn McMissile: Easy, Tomber. This is her first field assignment. She didn't know you were my informant.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Informant?
  • Tomber: A rookie, huh? I never liked new car smell.
  • Holley Shiftwell: (moans)
  • Finn McMissile: Tomber was doing 20-to-life in a Moroccan impound the first time I saved him, if I recall correctly.
  • Tomber: Speaking of recalls, you're getting up there in mileage, aren't you, Finn?
  • Holley Shiftwell: All right, we get it. You both know each other, you're both old. So, here you go, informant. Inform us. (turns on her on-board computer and dual mounted trackball platforms to show the engine photo)
  • Tomber: Beuck! That is the worst motor ever made. (gasps) Wait. That oil filter. Those wheel bearings.
  • Finn McMissile: Do those parts look familiar, Tomber?
  • Tomber: They should. I sold them.
  • Holley Shiftwell: To whom?
  • Tomber: No idea. He's my best customer, but he always does his business over the phone. I was always wondering why he needs so many parts. Now I know.
  • Mater: Well, a lemon needs parts. Ain't nothin' truer than that.
  • Finn McMissile: Lemon?
  • Mater: Yeah, you know. Cars that don't ever work right. Lemons is a tow truck's bread and butter. Like 'em Gremlins and Pacers we run into at the party and the race and the airport.
  • Finn McMissile: Holley, pull up the pictures from the oil platform. I want to know what other type of cars were out there.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Right. Let's see. Um... There were Hugos and Trunkovs.
  • Finn McMissile: Mater, are these cars considered lemons?
  • Mater: Is the Pope Catholic?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Finn, everyone involved in this plot is one of history's biggest loser cars.
  • Finn McMissile: And they're all taking their orders from the car behind this engine.
  • Tomber: Ah! This explains it. Gremlin, Pacer, Hugo and Trunkov never get together, but they are having a secret meeting in two days. Porto Corsa, Italy.
  • Mater: That's where the next race is!
  • Finn McMissile: Then there's a good chance our mystery engine will be there, too.
  • Tomber: Your chances are more than good. I just sent him a new clutch assembly yesterday. To Porto Corsa.
  • Finn McMissile: Holley, contact Stephenson and have him meet us at Gare de Lyon. Good work.
  • (The screen then shows Stephenson, a bullet train, speeding along the track to Porto Corsa, before showing Mater, Finn, and Holley watching a video feed of the lemons crossing a crossroad in Porto Corsa in different groups representing each car model, as members painted black surround a different colored member. After the Pacers cross the crossroad, the traffic lights on the lemons' road turn red, but the lemons keep going, with several of the members in the Trunkov and Hugo groups angrily moving the traffic on the other road aside when they try to get across, despite the fact that the lemons are actually crossing at a red light.)
  • Mater: Boy, I'll tell you what. That three-wheeled feller had to be right about a big meetin'. You never see this many lemons in one town. 'Less there's a swap meet or somethin'. (to Holley) Hey, how'd you get all them pictures?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Well, I remotely reprogrammed Porto Corsa's red light cameras to do recognition scans.
  • Mater: Wow. Not only is you the purtiest car I ever met, but you're the smartest, too.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Thank you...I think.
  • Mater: (noticing a blue tow truck towing a yellow Hugo in the Hugo group) That's a familiar sight. A Hugo being towed. But he looks absolutely perfect!
  • Finn McMissile: Of course! They must be the heads of the lemon families.
  • Mater: Makes sense. If I was rich and broke down every day, I'd hire me to tow me around all the time, too!
  • Finn McMissile: We've got to infiltrate that meeting. It's the only way to find out who's behind all this.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Hang on a minute.
  • Mater: What?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Hold still. (takes a picture of Mater)
  • Mater: (affected by the flash of light) Ow!
  • (Holley then connects her telescoping utility arm into the monitor, and moves the image of Mater's front over the blue tow truck, as well as making it turn to blue, showing that they look similar.)
  • Finn McMissile: Ah-ha. Good job, Miss Shiftwell.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Thank you, Finn.
  • Mater: Boy, I sure wish my friends could see me now.
  • (The screen then shows the Italian village named Carsoli, as Team McQueen arrive at the piazza.)
  • Luigi: Guido, your eyes do not deceive you. We are in Italy! We are home!
  • Fillmore: Hey, Luigi. Which way to the hotel, man?
  • Luigi: What?! No friend of mine will stay in a hotel in-a my village. You will stay with my... (notices who has come up beside him) Uncle Topolino-o-o-o!
  • Uncle Topolino: Luigi! Guido! (speaks in Italian as all of the village residents gather up)
  • (The camera then shows the town at sunset as a band plays music for a celebration. Fillmore and Sarge are drinking different types of fuel at a table.)
  • Sarge: How do they do it? These are the same ingredients as back home, but it tastes so good.
  • Fillmore: It's organic, man.
  • Sarge: (sighs) Treehugger.
  • Uncle Topolino: (to McQueen) Hey, race car! You look so down, so low. Is like you have flat tires.
  • Mama Topolino: (speaks Italian)
  • Uncle Topolino: She said you look like you are starving, that she's gonna make you a big meal and fatten you up.
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh, no. Uh, M-Mama Topolino, please, y-you don't need to make a fuss. (sighs as Mama Topolino drives into the building)
  • Uncle Topolino: Capisco. I understand. Is a problem, yes, between you and a friend?
  • Lightning McQueen: How did you know that?
  • Uncle Topolino: A wise car hears one word and understands two. That, and Luigi told me. While Mama cooks, come and take a stroll with me.
  • Lightning McQueen: I brought my friend Mater along on the trip and...and I told him he needed to act different, that we weren't in Radiator Springs.
  • Uncle Topolino: This Mater is a close friend?
  • Lightning McQueen: He's my best friend.
  • Uncle Topolino: Then why would you ask him to be someone else?
  • Lightning McQueen: (thinking for a moment) Oh... What did I do? I... I said some things during our fight.
  • Uncle Topolino: You know, back when Guido and Luigi used to work for me, they would fight over everything. They fight over what Ferrari was the best Ferrari, which one of them looked more like a Ferrari. There were even some non-Ferrari fights. So I tell them, "Va bene, it's OK to fight. Everybody fights now and then, especially best friends. But you got to make up fast. No fight more important than friendship."
  • (While Uncle Topolino is talking, Guido offers to dance with a female named Franca, but Luigi then bumps in, causing Guido to move him away, before Luigi comes back over, which makes both of them argue with each other, until another female, named Francesca, comes along, and the two girls giggle as Luigi and Guido stop and smile at them. This leaves Luigi to dance with Franca while Guido dances with Francesca.)
  • Uncle Topolino: (speaks Italian) Chi trova un'amico, trova un tesoro.
  • Lightning McQueen: What does that mean?
  • Mama Topolino: Whoever find a friend, find a treasure. Now, mangia. Eat!
  • (Uncle Topolino and Mama Topolino drive away, arguing in Italian.)
  • (The screen then shows Stephenson on his journey to Porto Corsa as Finn and Holley fit on Mater a beacon light that looks like his old one.)
  • Stephenson: Finn, one hour to Porto Corsa.
  • Finn McMissile: Thank you, Stephenson.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yeah, I think that should just about do it.
  • Finn McMissile: Perfect.
  • Holley Shiftwell: So, Mater, it's voice-activated. But, you know, everything's voice-activated these days.
  • Mater: What? I thought you was supposed to be makin' me a disguise.
  • Computer: Voice recognized. Disguise program initiated. (puts the holographic disguise on Mater)
  • Mater: (chuckles) Cool! Hey, computer, make me a German truck.
  • Computer: Request acknowledged. (puts lederhosen on Mater)
  • Mater: Check it out! I'm wearing lederhosen. Make me a monster truck!
  • Computer: Request acknowledged. (turns Mater into Dracula, complete with fangs, having misunderstood that he actually meant a truck with giant wheels)
  • Mater: What the...? (chuckles)
  • Mater: (acting out as Dracula) I vant to siphon your gas! Ha-ha! Now make me a taco truck!
  • Computer: Request acknowledged. (turns Mater into a white taco truck, with his horn playing "La Cucaracha")
  • Mater: A funny car!
  • Computer: Request acknowledged. (turns Mater into a yellow funny car, which Mater then makes revving noises)
  • Finn McMissile: (turns Mater back to normal) The idea is to keep a low profile, Mater. (presses a button to put the holographic disguise on Mater)
  • Mater: So I just go in, pretend to be this truck.
  • Finn McMissile: And leave the rest to us.
  • Holley Shiftwell: (to Mater) Now, hold still. (presses a button) First, I have to do the final fitting on your disguise.
  • (A computer then shows that the surface of the disguise does not match Mater's surface, due to the number of dents on his body.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, dear. That's no good. Hm. (presses a button)
  • Mater: (notices a robotic sander closing in on him) Hey! What are you doin'?
  • Holley Shiftwell: The disguise won't calibrate effectively without a smooth surface to graft onto.
  • Mater: Oh, for a second there, I thought you was tryin' to fix my dents.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yes, I was. (presses a button to move the sander away)
  • Mater: Well, then, no, thank you. I don't get them dents buffed, pulled, filled or painted by nobody. They way too valuable.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Your dents are valuable? Really?
  • Mater: I come by each one of 'em with my best friend, Lightning McQueen. I don't fix these. I wanna remember these dents forever.
  • Holley Shiftwell: So, you were being serious in Paris? McQueen isn't just part of your cover or yours.
  • Finn McMissile: Friendships can be dangerous in our line of work, everyone.
  • Mater: But my line of work is towin' and salvage.
  • Finn McMissile: Right. And Miss Shiftwell's is designing iPhone apps.
  • Mater: No, I meant for real. I...
  • Holley Shiftwell: No, no, it's OK. Say no more. I'll work around the dent.
  • Mater: Oh...
  • Finn McMissile: (to Mater) In the meantime... (presses a button to reveal hundreds of weapons inside the train) look a little light on weapons.
  • (The screen then shows Stephenson coming out of a tunnel and arriving at Porto Corsa. The screen then changes different times while Brent, Darrell and David begin commentating with the Italian version of the World Grand Prix theme music playing in the background.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: You are looking live at beautiful Porto Corsa, Italy, on the Italian Riviera. What a magnificent setting for the second race of the World Grand Prix!
  • David Hobbscap: Well, Brent, they call this place the "Gem of the Riviera," and it's easy to see why. With its secluded beaches and opulent casinos, Porto Corsa truly is a playground for the wealthy. And everyone who's anyone is here today, from the ultra-rich and super-famous to world leaders and important dignitaries.
  • Darrell Cartrip: You aren't kidding, David. You can't do a three-point turn around here without bumping into some celebrity!
  • Brent Mustangburger: Welcome, everyone, to the second race of the World Grand Prix, where the big news continues to be Allinol. Sir Miles Axlerod spoke to the press earlier today to answer questions about its safety.
  • Miles Axlerod: (being interviewed) An independent panel of scientists has determined that Allinol is completely safe, okay? Safe! There it is.
  • Brent Mustangburger: So the race will go on, folks.
  • Darrell Cartrip: But the question everyone is asking: will the real Lightning McQueen show up today?
  • Brent Mustangburger: Well, he'd better. Talk about a home track advantage. Francesco Bernoulli grew up racing on this course.
  • Italian Announcer: (as the racers line up on the grid) Signore e signori, in the pole position, Numero Uno, Francesco!
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Bellissima! Thank you for your support! And your big mistake, McQueen!
  • Italian Announcer: (as the Pope is shown attending the race with his bodyguards) In secondo position, numero 95, Lightning-a McQueen-a!
  • Luigi: (seeing that McQueen feels fed up) McQueen-a, is-a everything OK?
  • Fillmore: If you're worried about your fuel, man, don't. It's perfectly safe.
  • Lightning McQueen: No, guys, I just really wish Mater were here.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Francesco understands, McQueen.
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh, great, here it comes. What do you got, Francesco?
  • Francesco Bernoulli: For famous race cars like Francesco and, well, you, to be far away from home is not easy.
  • Lightning McQueen: I think you forgot the insulting part of that insult.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Is-a no insult. When-a Francesco is away from home, he misses his mama, just like-a you miss your tow truck amico.
  • Lightning McQueen: Gee, (stutters) I maybe misjudged you, because that's exactly...
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Of course, I am at home, and my mama is right here. (points to his mother, who is blowing kisses to him in the crowd) Mama! (chuckles) Don't worry, Mama, McQueen is very sad. I will beat his cry-baby bottom today!
  • Lightning McQueen: And there's the insult we were missing. Grazie.
  • Crowd: (chanting) Forza, Francesco! Forza, Francesco!
  • (The red lights then come on, before the green lights show up, and the racers set off, with Francesco leading in front of McQueen.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: Darrell, the racers are settling in as they head to the Italian countryside.
  • Darrell Cartrip: Whoo, boy! This is gonna be a great race!
  • (The screen then shows the Casino di Porto Corsa, where the Gremlins are about to enter. A couple of cars come out, tooting their horns as one of the black Gremlins pushes them aside until the other Gremlins go inside. The blue tow truck, named Ivan, is waiting for Victor Hugo with the black Hugos. One of them is named Alexander Hugo.)
  • Alexander Hugo: Gremlins. Man, those are some ugly cars. Look like someone stole their trunks!
  • (Alex, Ivan and the other black Hugos laugh. Just then, Holley shows up, as part of the plan to switch Ivan with Mater, who is around the corner of the casino. Meanwhile, Finn is at an outdoor cafe on the casino grounds.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: (Italian accent) Scusatemi, tutti. Signori. Mio nonno. My grand-a father has-a broken down. If-a one of-a you would help, I would be so thankful.
  • Ivan: Sounds like you need some roadside assistance.
  • Alexander Hugo: She was talking to me, Ivan!
  • Ivan: Oh, really? Prove it! (hits Alexander Hugo)
  • Holley Shiftwell: (still Italian accent) No, no, no! Don't-a fight over me. Signore Tow Truck, per favore.
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Get ready, Mater. You're on any moment now.
  • Mater: I don't know about this, guys, Finn. What if I screw things up?
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Just apply the same level of dedication you've been using to play the idiot tow truck, and you'll be fine.
  • Mater: It's just that them guys look purty tough and... Wait, did you say "idiot"? Is that how you see me?
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) That's how everyone sees you. Isn't that the idea? I tell you, that's the genius of it. No one realizes they're being fooled because they're too busy laughing at the fool. Brilliant!
  • (While Finn is talking, Mater looks at his reflection on one of the casino's windows.)
  • (Then suddenly, he looks to the left to see Holley at the same corner tasing Ivan, then she notices that Mater has not got his disguise on.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Why aren't you in disguise?
  • Mater: I er...
  • Holley Shiftwell: Come on! There's no time! Go!
  • Mater: OK. OK. Uh, computer, disguise!
  • Computer: Request acknowledged.
  • (Mater's disguise is then turned on, and he rushes to the front of the casino, where the black Hugos are waiting. Then a horn is heard.)
  • Alexander Hugo: It's the boss. He's coming.
  • (A luxury transporter named Karl Haulzemoff pulls up, and opens his trailer door, where Victor Hugo stands.)
  • Victor Hugo: Ivan!
  • (Mater just stands there, until Alexander hits him.)
  • Mater: Oh, er... (rushes to Victor)
  • Victor Hugo: Ivan, why do you insult me so by making me wait here?
  • (Mater then hooks up to Victor and tows him into the casino, followed by the other Hugos, while Karl leaves. Holley then joins Finn, turning on her on-board computer.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: He's in.
  • (Meanwhile, the race is still continuing, as McQueen attempts to get past Francesco, but backs out as they come to a hairpin similar to the Fairmont Hotel hairpin, with Carla, Shu, Max, Lewis, Nigel, Jeff, Raoul, Miguel and Rip.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: The racers are now making their way around the hairpin and headed downhill toward the casino bridge.
  • (The screen continues to show the racers as they make their way to the casino bridge, which is a viaduct around the casino. Inside the casino, cars are seen playing games.)
  • Dealer 1: No more bets, please.
  • Player: (throws dice) Come on, dice!
  • Dealer 2: Number four. Easy four.
  • Player: Yeah!
  • Mary Esgocar: Air freshener. Antenna balls. Spark-a plugs.
  • Mater: (identifying different games around the casino with a HUD put into his eyes) Wow! This place looks like it's made outta gold!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (through the radio) That's because it is, Mater. Now, be careful what you say.
  • Mater: Why is that? What do you mean, "Don't talk to ya"? So you want me to stop talkin' to ya right now?
  • Alexander Hugo: You are acting strange today, Ivan.
  • Mater: (identifying Alex) I have no idea what you're talking about, "Alexander Hugo, aka Chop Shop Alex." Hey, you got a lot of aka's, Alex. But I guess that makes sense, seein's how you's wanted in France, Germany, Czech Republic...
  • Holley Shiftwell: (while Mater is mentioning where Alex is wanted) Mater, stop it!
  • Alexander Hugo: OK, OK, keep your voice down! You gonna make me arrested! (whispers to another Hugo) Don't mess with Ivan today. He's in a bad mood.
  • Finn McMissile: He's so good!
  • (Two members of casino staff open the doors to a smaller room, where the other lemons are. Mater gets shocked as he sees them all, having the leaders identified on his HUD showing the countries they are wanted in.)
  • Vladimir Trunkov: Victor!
  • Tubbs Pacer: Hey, Victor!
  • J. Curby Gremlin: There you are!
  • Vladimir Trunkov: Come in! Come in!
  • J. Curby Gremlin: Victor Hugo, I'm J. Curby Gremlin. From Detroit. It's good to see you!
  • Victor Hugo: (after getting unhooked by Mater) Is the big boss here yet?
  • Vladimir Trunkov: No, not yet.
  • Tubbs Pacer: He's supposed to be here any minute.
  • (Suddenly, knocking sounds and a beeping horn are heard from behind the closed doors, as everyone watches shockingly.)
  • Finn McMissile: Here we go.
  • (The casino staff open the doors, and Professor Z turns up.)
  • Professor Zündapp: Guten Tag.
  • Tubbs Pacer: Ah, it's just the professor.
  • Victor Hugo: Zündapp! When is he coming?
  • Professor Zündapp: He's already here.
  • (The staff leave as they close the doors, as a screen comes down from the ceiling and shows the mystery mastermind with his hood open.)
  • Miles Axlerod: (in disguised voice) Welcome, everyone. I wish I could be with you on this very special day, but my clutch assembly broke. You know how it is.
  • Tubbs Pacer: (as all the heads nod) Been there.
  • J. Curby Gremlin: Forget about it!
  • Vladimir Trunkov: We know how you feel.
  • Finn McMissile: (to Holley) Descramble that voice.
  • Holley Shiftwell: I'm trying. Oh, it's too sophisticated!
  • Miles Axlerod: We are here to celebrate. Today, all your hard work pays off. The world turned their backs on cars like us. They stopped manufacturing us, stopped making our parts. The only thing they haven't stopped doing is laughing at us. They've called us terrible names: jalopy, rust bucket, heap, clunker, junker, beater, wreck, rattletrap, lemon. But their insults just give us strength. Because today, my friends, that all ends!
  • (While the mastermind is saying the last sentence, more televisions appear and show coverage of the race as Carla Veloso is shown. Suddenly, her engine blows, emitting flames and smoke and causing her to spin.)
  • Darrell Cartrip: There's smoke on the casino bridge!
  • Mater: (gasps)
  • David Hobbscap: Oh, no!
  • Brent Mustangburger: It's Carla Veloso, the Brazilian race car!
  • (Carla then skids straight into the wall on the viaduct.)
  • Finn McMissile: What just happened?
  • Holley Shiftwell: I'm working on it.
  • (All of the lemons begin to cheer, while Mater is shocked.)
  • Miles Axlerod: They laughed at us, but now it's our turn to laugh back.
  • (Next, Nigel Gearsley's engine gets blown at the same spot, causing him to hit the wall as well.)
  • David Hobbscap: Another crash! It's number 9, Nigel Gearsley!
  • Miles Axlerod: Embrace your inner lemon. Let it drive you.
  • Finn McMissile: Holley!
  • Holley Shiftwell: I'm detecting an extremely strong electromagnetic pulse. (sees the lemons' camera on top of the building) Finn, it's the camera!
  • Finn McMissile: Where?
  • Holley Shiftwell: On the tower!
  • (Finn rushes to stop the lemons.)
  • Miles Axlerod: This was meant to be alternative fuel's greatest moment. After today, everyone will race back to gasoline. And we, the owners of the world's largest untapped oil reserve will become the most powerful cars in the world!
  • Lemons: Ha-ha! Whoo-hoo!
  • (While the mastermind is talking, medical tow trucks pull Carla and Nigel, while all of the cars around Porto Corsa see it on the screen, kick cans of Allinol away and begin leaving dirty marks all over the Allinol signs. Meanwhile, Finn is rushing through the traffic to get to the tower where Grem and Acer are.)
  • Finn McMissile: Get out of the way! Andate!
  • (Noticing that the tower is in the distance, Finn, goes over rooftops and swerving past other cars along the roads. During the rush, there is a bus shouting in Italian at a car named Trike Feldman for blocking the road while selling Francesco merchandise, until they notice Finn a right turn past them.)
  • Miles Axlerod: They will come to us, and they will have no choice, because they will need us.
  • (Finn then stops on top of a rooftop as he then notices Grem and Acer up ahead with the camera. Quickly, he drives towards them, but as he jumps towards the tower, he is stopped in midair, as Grem and Acer both turn around.)
  • Finn McMissile: Huh? (gets pulled up) Whoa!
  • (It is immediately shown that a helicopter has got him with a magnet.)
  • Acer: Ha-ha! We figured you might stop by!
  • (Grem and Acer then resume their work as the helicopter pulls Finn away. Finn tries to wiggle free, but the magnet's force is too strong.)
  • Miles Axlerod: And they will finally respect us! So hold your hoods high! After today, you will never again be ashamed of who you are!
  • (As the mastermind is talking, the racers are seen heading towards the casino bridge, and Grem then pushes the lever on the camera to go to 75% power and aim at Shu Todoroki.)
  • Finn McMissile: NO!!
  • Miles Axlerod: Long live LEMONS!!
  • (Suddenly, Shu's engine explodes.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: Oh, number 7 is loose! Shu Todoroki!
  • (The explosion causes Shu to skid, and Miguel Camino tries to brake, but hits the back of Shu and slides across the racetrack. Max Schnell then attempts to brake, but he too fails and takes a massive impact, causing all three to block and career down the racetrack behind Francesco Bernoulli and Lightning McQueen, as all of the crowd gasps at the accident. Raoul ÇaRoule and Rip Clutchgoneski then try to brake, but they both get involved too. As they come around the corner to see the crash, Jeff Gorvette and Lewis Hamilton put on their brakes, and stop just in time. Meanwhile, Holley is watching.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: (gasps as she sees the helicopter taking Finn away) Finn?
  • (Meanwhile, McQueen and Francesco are fighting for the lead on the final lap, being lap 60.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: Bumper to bumper as they approach the finish line! (as they cross the finish line) McQueen's the winner! Francesco's second! And they have no idea what happened behind them.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Argh! This is impossible!
  • Lightning McQueen: That's what I'm talking about! Ka-chow! (shines his headlight at Francesco)
  • (Suddenly, several ambulances rush past while their sirens blare.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Wh- What happened? Where are all the other racers?
  • Francesco Bernoulli: What is going on?
  • (They look at the screen to see the huge pileup.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh, no!
  • (A chopper is then seen rushing towards the scene, as the press surrounds Axlerod.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: (on TV) Sir Axlerod, is the final race in London still going to take place?
  • Miles Axlerod: (on TV) I suppose that... (sighs) Look, the show must go on, as they say. But now is not the time to talk about...
  • J. Curby Gremlin: I can't believe this is really happening!
  • Vladimir Trunkov: Shh! Quiet!
  • Brent Mustangburger: (on TV) And Allinol? Will you require all the racers to still run on Allinol?
  • Vladimir Trunkov: (chuckles) Here it comes!
  • Miles Axlerod: (on TV) I cannot, in good conscience, continue to risk the lives of any more race cars. The final race will not be run on Allinol.
  • Lemons: (cheering) Ah-ha-ha! Ha-ha! (continue cheering)
  • Brent Mustangburger: (on TV, to the TV viewers) There you have it, a clearly devastated Sir Miles Axlerod announcing that he will not require the cars to use Allinol for the final race.
  • Professor Zündapp: (as casino staff pop lemonade corks) A toast! To the death of Allinol and alternative fuel forever!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (rushing away from the casino) Mater, abort the mission! They've got Finn. Get out of there. Get out of there right now!
  • (Suddenly, she stops after turning a corner to see black Hugos in front of her.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: (gasps)
  • Ivan: How is your grandfather?
  • (Meanwhile, the lemons inside the casino are cheering, while Mater, who is now all on his own, is about to leave.)
  • Lemons: (chanting) Long live lemons!
  • Alexander Hugo: Isn't this a great party, Ivan, huh?
  • Mater: Oh, yeah, it's unbelievable.
  • Alexander Hugo: You are not leaving, are you?
  • Mater: Uh...of course I ain't leaving.
  • Lightning McQueen: (on TV) I'm just in shock like everybody...
  • Mater: McQueen?
  • Lightning McQueen: (on TV) Crashes are a part of racing, I know, but something like that should never happen.
  • Darrell Cartrip: (on TV) They're letting you choose your fuel for the final race. Do you have any idea what it's gonna be?
  • Lightning McQueen: (on TV) Allinol.
  • Lemons: (all gasp) What?!
  • J. Curby Gremlin: Did he just say Allinol?!
  • Darrell Cartrip: (on TV) After today?
  • Lightning McQueen: (on TV) My friend Fillmore says the fuel's safe. That's good enough for me. I didn't stand by a friend of mine recently. I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice.
  • Brent Mustangburger: (on TV) So a surprising revelation from Lightning McQueen. He will use Allinol in the final race, despite what occurred today.
  • Professor Zündapp: (listening to the mastermind on the telephone) Yes, sir.
  • Miles Axlerod: (through the telephone) ...till Lightning McQueen is dead!
  • Professor Zündapp: Of course. (phone call ends) Allinol must be finished for good. McQueen cannot win the last race. Lightning McQueen must be killed!
  • Mater: No! (quickly backs up, and the emergency light gets bashed by one of the televisions)
  • (The bash causes the device to malfunction, as the disguise changes into taco truck form, with his horn playing "La Cucaracha" as several tacos fall out. It then cycles through his other forms: Dracula, funny car, lederhosen, before finally showing Mater's true form, as he nervously smiles. Upon seeing him, Professor Z gets a reaction.)
  • Professor Zündapp: It's the American spy!
  • (Every lemon inside the room draw guns at Mater.)
  • Mater: Dad-gum!
  • Computer: Gatling gun. Request acknowledged. (gets gatling guns out of Mater's bodywork)
  • Professor Zündapp: Down! Down! Everybody, down!
  • Mater: Shoot! I didn't mean...
  • Computer: Request acknowledged.
  • Mater: (as the guns start blasting out bullets) Whoa-oh-oh! Whoa!
  • (All of the lemons take cover, with some of them defending themselves with the table, as the bullets shoot the citrus fruit of the same name, then a statue's hair. Professor Z, J. Curby Gremlin, Tubbs Pacer, Victor Hugo, Vladimir Trunkov and another lemon turn the table over to take shelter. A couple of other lemons then quickly evacuate as the bullets cause one of the TVs to almost fall on them. Mater then moves backwards and outside of the casino onto a balcony terrace, but the guns keep on shooting.)
  • Mater: Wait! Wait! I didn't mean that kind of shoot!
  • Computer: (deactivates the guns) Correction acknowledged. Deploying chute. (activates a parachute)
  • Mater: (being pulled away by the parachute) Whoa-oa! (sees McQueen onstage in the distance) McQueen! (spots a motorboat, and swings his tow hook towards it)
  • Boat: Whoa! What's this?! (accelerates)
  • Mater: Whoa! McQueen! McQueen!
  • (Suddenly, his tow cable comes off the boat, causing him to fall.)
  • Mater: Whoa! Aah! (hits the leaves of a palm tree, then a hotel sign, and is about to hit a market stall)
  • Market Seller: Waagh! (gets hit as the screen goes black)
  • (The screen then shows again to show security officers watching members of the press entering into the area where McQueen is. Suddenly, Mater comes up, covered in Francesco merchandise and palm leaves.)
  • Mater: Let me through! Let me through! You gotta let me in! I got to get through to warn McQueen!
  • Alex Carvill: You cannot-a come through here! Back up, signore!
  • Security officer: (through a headset) We have a lunatic at gate 9.
  • Mater: No, listen! I was disguised as a tow truck to infiltrate this lemonhead meeting and my weapons system's done misinterperated what I'm saying!
  • Security officer: (through his headset) I repeat. Lunatic at gate 9.
  • Mater: (notices McQueen) McQueen! McQueen!
  • Press liaison 1: (as McQueen comes off the stage) You are the champion!
  • Press liaison 2: Right this way, signore.
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater? (looks around, but there are photographers all around)
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Photographer 1: Come over here, McQueen!
  • Photographer 2: Here! Come on!
  • Photographer 3: Give us a pose!
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Alex Carvill: Back up, sir!
  • Security officer: (as Mater backs up and starts to move about) Stop! Stop moving! Stop!
  • Alex Carvill: (as Mater head fakes them and drives through the railing) Hey! Hey! Hey! Where you going?! Oy! Stop! Ferma li!
  • (Mater continues driving, as the palm leaves and merchandise fall off him, before he stops behind the press, and tries to get into McQueen's sight.)
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Lightning McQueen: That really sounded like... (notices a flash of Mater's bodywork in the distance) Mater! Mater?
  • Press liaison 2: Signore?
  • Mater: McQueen! They're gonna kill you!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater! (gets his eyes temporarily blinded by a photographer flashing his camera light)
  • Press liaison 2: ...signore, please!
  • Lightning McQueen: (stutters) Excuse me. (moves through the crowd)
  • Press liaison 1: No! No, where are you going?!
  • Press liaison 2: Please, Mr. McQueen!
  • Lightning McQueen: Scusi. Mater!
  • Mater: McQueen!
  • Lightning McQueen: (getting through the crowd) Scusi. Mater!
  • Crowd: Come on!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater! Mater, I'm so glad to see you! I'm so sorr...
  • (But as the rest of the photographers move away, Ivan appears in Mater's place.)
  • Ivan: Lightning McQueen! I am a huge fan.
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh! I'm sorry, I...I thought I heard...
  • Ivan: Yes, but that was me. I said, "You killed out there today. You're the best."
  • Lightning McQueen: What? Uh, I, I mean, thanks.
  • Press liaison 2: Right this way, signore. (pushes McQueen in the other direction)
  • Lightning McQueen: I... I really thought I heard my friend.
  • Ivan: In England, you'll be finished! At the finish line. (moves away)
  • Lightning McQueen: Wait, what?
  • Press liaison 2: Please, uh, the world press is waiting. You come-a with me, please.
  • (Mater is shown to be captured by the lemons.)
  • (After Ivan made McQueen believe that it was him calling out, the screen shows that Mater has been captured by the lemons, making muffled cries due to a gag put over his mouth. The black Hugos move Mater into Karl's trailer, with a bump inside the trailer that causes one side of the gag to come off.)
  • Mater: Let me go!
  • Professor Zündapp: You actually care about that race car. A pity you didn't warn him in time.
  • (The thugs then close the trailer door, and Mater gasps as he sees gas being sprayed into the trailer, making him unconscious. The screen then shows an image of Mater in a dream as he looks at his reflection on the same casino window.)
  • Mater: (voice) "Idiot"? Is that how you see me?
  • Finn McMissile: (voice) That's how everyone sees you. I tell you, that's the genius of it. No one realizes they're being fooled because they're too busy laughing at the fool. At the fool... (echoes)
  • (As Finn's voice echoes, the image of Mater enters through the window, and notices the different moments from earlier with Team McQueen back in Tokyo.)
  • Mater: (at Kabuki-za) Hey, excuse me! (in Japanese) Domo arigato! Yeah!
  • Mater: (taps on the glass to get Zen Master's attention) You done good. You got all the leaves!
  • Jeff Gorvette: Check out that tow truck!
  • Lewis Hamilton: I wonder who that guy's with.
  • Lightning McQueen: Will you guys excuse me just for one little second? (drives towards Mater)
  • Jeff Gorvette: (giggles)
  • Mater: (at the sushi chef's stand) Now that's a scoop of ice cream! (takes all of the wasabi on his tongue, as his voice echoes)
  • Daisu Tsashimi: (in Japanese) お悔やみもしあります。 [My condolences.]
  • Mater: (feeling the heat of the wasabi) Aargh! (drives away as all of the guests around him laugh)
  • Mater: (driving to the water fountain) Somebody get me water! (drinks some of the water) Aah! Oh, sweet relief!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater! (turns to the crowd, who are all laughing at Mater)
  • Mater: Sweet relief.
  • Crowd: (laughs)
  • Grand Prix racers: (all laugh, with Francesco loudest of all, while Lewis, Jeff and Rip are the quietest)
  • Mater: (after oil has been leaked on the stage) But I never leak oil. Never!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, you have to get a hold of yourself! You're making a scene!
  • Mater: (in the pits) Wait a minute. I didn't screw you up, did I?
  • Lightning McQueen: I lost the race because of you!
  • Mater: Maybe if I talked to somebody...
  • Lightning McQueen: I don't need your help! I don't want your help! Your help... (echoes)
  • Mater: (banging the gong as random cars laugh) Bang the gong! Get it on!
  • Lightning McQueen: (voice) Listen, this isn't Radiator Springs.
  • Lightning McQueen: (voice) This is exactly why I don't bring you along to these things! (while a bell is chiming) have to get a hold of yourself! You're making a scene!
  • (Mater then wakes up, seeing himself tied up and hanging by a rope inside a room full of gears, as three loud chimes are heard from a bell. He then looks to see also tied up and hanging by a rope right next to him, Finn and Holley tied between one of the gears' teeth.)
  • Mater: Holley! Finn! Where are we?
  • Finn McMissile: We're in London, Mater, inside Big Bentley.
  • (The camera then zooms out to show the outside of the Great Elizabeth Tower, where Big Bentley is, with the clock saying 3 o'clock in the afternoon, then changes shot to show the tower next to the Houses of Parliament. Suddenly, the ropes holding Mater and the cages unwind.)
  • Mater: Whoooooa! (as the ropes stop) Whoa!
  • (The camera then shows that down below are rotating gears, which are supposed to crush Mater and the cages as their ropes and chains unwind slightly each minute, before showing the gear Finn and Holley are on nudging towards another gear, as the clock's minute hand moves to 3:01 p.m.)
  • Mater: Oh, this... This is all my fault.
  • Finn McMissile: Don't be a fool, Mater.
  • Mater: But I am, remember? You said so.
  • Finn McMissile: When did I... Oh. Mater, I was complimenting you on what a good spy you are.
  • Mater: I'M NOT A SPY! (voice echos as Finn and Holley feel completely shocked) I've been trying to tell you that the whole time. I really am just a tow truck.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Finn, he's not joking.
  • Finn McMissile: I know.
  • Mater: You were right, Finn. I'm a fool. And what's happened to McQueen is 'cause I'm such a big one. This is all my fault.
  • (Then, they all notice Grem and Acer arrive in an elevator.)
  • Grem: (to Mater) Good. You're up.
  • Acer: And just in time!
  • Grem: (uncovers the EMP generator) Professor Z wanted you to have a front-row seat, for the death of Lightning McQueen.
  • Mater: He's still alive?
  • Acer: Not for much longer!
  • (Grem then aims the camera at the race course, through a panel on the clock face. Suddenly, the ropes holding Mater and the cages unwind slightly again.)
  • Mater: Whoa! (as the ropes stop again) Huh?
  • (Then the gear Finn and Holley are on nudges again, as the clock strikes 3:02 p.m.)
  • (Meanwhile, most of the World Grand Prix racers are putting on their tires to be prepared for the race. They have all chosen different fuels, as shown on the fuel tanks, while McQueen has an Allinol fuel tank. Sally, Ramone, Flo and Red had already arrived, while Sheriff and Sarge are absent, with Lizzie and Mack having traveled to the country.)
  • Sally Carrera: We came as soon as you called.
  • Lightning McQueen: I called to talk to Mater. It never occurred to me that he wouldn't be there.
  • Ramone: Sheriff is talking to Scotland Yard right now.
  • Flo: And Sarge is in touch with his friends in the British military.
  • Sally Carrera: You just need to focus on the race.
  • Lightning McQueen: I...I know but, Sally with everything going on, I'm not sure I should...
  • (Suddenly, a horn is heard tooting, and McQueen turns to see Axlerod arrive.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Sir Axlerod.
  • Miles Axlerod: I'm sorry to interrupt.
  • Lightning McQueen: No, no. It - it's all right.
  • Miles Axlerod: I just wanted to come down here, and to personally thank you. Because after Italy, I was finished, and then you gave me one last shot.
  • Lightning McQueen: Listen, I...
  • Miles Axlerod: I probably shouldn't be saying this at all, but I hope you win today. You show the world that they've been wrong about Allinol.
  • Sally Carrera: Mater would want you to race.
  • Lightning McQueen: All right. For Mater.
  • (The screen then shows Buckingham Palace, before Axlerod with the Queen and Prince Wheeliam, as the Queen waves a white flag, before the red lights at the pit straight turn on and change to the green lights, as the third version of the World Grand Prix theme music plays. Francesco gets in front of McQueen as they come towards Buckingham Palace along the Mall, followed by Camino, Hamilton, Schnell, Gorvette, Gearsley, Veloso, Todoroki, ÇaRoule and Clutchgoneski. Meanwhile, Professor Z, J. Curby Gremlin, Tubbs Pacer, Victor Hugo and Vladimir Trunkov are watching from inside a glass-fronted building beside the start/finish line. The racers all go around the Victoria Memorial, then continue through the streets of London, before going through the different arches of Admiralty Arch. As the screen skips to the racers going around a bend, McQueen has got in front of Francesco, while Hamilton has overtaken Camino, Gearsley ahead of Gorvette, and Todoroki ahead of Veloso, and they all head towards Westminster Bridge, where Grem spots McQueen from inside Big Bentley. The clock reads around 3:09 p.m.)
  • Grem: Here he comes.
  • (Mater watches helplessly as the racers come onto the bridge, before Grem aims the EMP generator at McQueen, and pushes the lever up to 100% power, which is enough power to kill a car using Allinol. Mater looks down miserably as the generator gets up to full power, but when it does, McQueen does not explode, and continues around the corner.)
  • Professor Zündapp: (through the radio) What happened?!
  • Grem: I don't know, Professor.
  • Professor Zündapp: (continues talking as Acer and Grem argue)
  • Acer: What did you do?
  • Grem: I didn't do nothing! Ssh, I'm talking to the professor. Uh, what's that, Professor Z?
  • Acer: You broke it!
  • Grem: Quiet!
  • Professor Zündapp: (through the radio) ...go to the back-up plan!
  • Grem: I understand, sir. Yes.
  • Acer: What did he say?
  • Grem: We go to the back-up plan.
  • Mater: Back-up plan?
  • Grem: We snuck a bomb in McQueen's pit.
  • Acer: The next time he makes a stop, instead of saying "ka-chow", he's gonna go "ka-boom"! (laughs along with Grem)
  • Grem: (as Mater feels angered) Don't feel bad, tow truck. You couldn't have saved him.
  • Acer: Oh, wait, you could have! (laughs along with Grem)
  • Mater: Dad-gum lemons!
  • Computer: Request acknowledged. (gets the gatling guns out of Mater, but the ropes are in the way, and the guns do not shoot)
  • Grem: (chuckles) What? You didn't think we'd take your bullets?
  • (Grem and Acer continue cackling as Mater then notices that the ropes have been slightly cut. He smiles, then immediately seals his mouth so to make sure Grem and Acer do not see what is happening. He even has his buck teeth hidden.)
  • Acer: That's right! You got nothing! (laughs along with Grem)
  • Grem: Who's the lemon now, huh? (laughs along with Acer as they leave)
  • Finn McMissile: Nice try, Mater.
  • Mater: Dad-gum... Dad-gum... Dad-gum. (repeats "Dad-gum" continuously)
  • Computer: Request... Request... Request... Request...
  • (Then all of the ropes get completely cut, causing Mater to fall towards the gears.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Mater!
  • Mater: Whoa!
  • (Luckily, he lands astride the gears and hurries across onto the gantry.)

(However, Finn and Holley are still tied to the gears.)

  • Mater: (to Finn and Holley) I got to get y'all out of there
  • Finn McMissile: There's no time! McQueen needs your help, Mater.
  • Mater: But I can't! I'm just a tow truck!
  • Finn McMissile: It's up to you. Go to the pits and get everyone out. You can do that.
  • Mater: What about you guys?
  • Finn McMissile: We'll be OK.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Go and get some more dents, Mater.
  • (With no other choice, Mater rushes off and out of the Great Elizabeth Tower onto the streets.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: So, we'll be OK? Really?
  • Finn McMissile: He wouldn't have left if I'd told him the truth. (the gear suddenly moves) Argh! Being killed by a clock. (chuckles) Gives a whole new meaning to "Your time has come."
  • Holley Shiftwell: Time? That's it! (notices an electric motor controlling the axle, and moves her front left tire past some of the ropes to shoot her electroshock device at it, but it fails to reach)
  • Finn McMissile: What are you doing?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Trying to turn back time. (uses her electroshock device again, but it misses
  • (Then the gear moves again, causing the thread of the screw to start pushing down on Finn and Holley.)
  • Finn McMissile: (as the gear moves) Argh!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (as the screw thread hits their roofs) Oof! If I can just reverse the polarity. (shoots her electroshock device again, and this time, it connects, zapping the motor, which makes the gears go in reverse and quicker)
  • Finn McMissile: Good job! Quick thinking, Holley!
  • (As the gears move backwards, the camera changes shot to show Great Elizabeth Tower's clock face with its hands moving backwards. Meanwhile, Mater is struggling to drive along the streets of London with oncoming traffic, not realizing that he is driving on the wrong side of the road in the United Kingdom.)
  • Mater: What's everybody on the wrong side of the road for?
  • (The camera then shows Finn and Holley, before they then notice another gear on the other side which is about to crush them.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, no!
  • Finn McMissile: Drive! Burn rubber!
  • (They both drive forwards, making a gap big enough for the gear to go between and cut through the ropes, and they both land on opposite gantries.)
  • Finn McMissile: We've got to get to the course. Calculate the fastest way to...
  • (Then Holley retracts wings from her sides and rear deck.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Done!
  • Finn McMissile: Oh. Miss Shiftwell.
  • Holley Shiftwell: They're standard issue now.
  • Finn McMissile: You kids get all the good hardware.
  • (As they prepare to leave, they then notice an air filter with a note saying, "If lost, return to Mater.")
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, no, that's Mater's.
  • Finn McMissile: I knew his escape was too easy.
  • (Using her retractable wings and flight afterburners, Holley flies out of a flip-up panel in the clock face, while Finn drives out through the tower's main entrance and onto the streets. During this, the clock's hands had already stopped at 2:56 p.m. Meanwhile, Mater heads toward the racetrack, and drive through a railing, as a couple of police officers notice.)
  • Police officer: Come back here! Stop!
  • (Then the camera shows the start/finish straight, as Miguel and Carla are side-by-side, while Lewis is behind them. Mater then rushes down the pit lane to McQueen's pit stall, as all the other pit crews watch them pass.)
  • Luigi: Mater?
  • Mater: Everybody, get out! Get out now! Y'all got to get out of the pits!
  • Mater: (notices the other Radiator Springs residents) Hey, what are you guys doing here?
  • Sally Carrera: We're here because of you, Mater.
  • Flo: Is everything OK?
  • Mater: No, everything's not OK! There's a bomb in here! Y'all got to get out! Now!
  • Sally Carrera: A bomb?!
  • Fillmore: A bomb?!
  • (Suddenly, Mater's communicator buzzes.)
  • Finn McMissile: (through the radio) Mater!
  • Mater: Finn! You're OK!
  • Finn McMissile: Listen to me! Mater, the bomb is on you! They knew you'd try to help McQueen. When we were knocked out, they planted it in your air filter!
  • (Mater then snorts, causing his air filter cover to come off and reveal the bomb inside, with digital text saying "Remote on".)
  • Mater: (looks towards the Allinol fuel tank) Uh-oh.
  • Lightning McQueen: (coming down the pit lane) Mater! There you are!
  • Mater: Stop right there!
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh, man, I've been so worried about you.
  • Mater: Don't come any closer!
  • Lightning McQueen: Are you OK?
  • (Professor Z is about to press the detonate button on the remote.)
  • Mater: No, I'm not OK! Stay away from me! (reverses out of the pit lane)
  • Lightning McQueen: No, wait! Wait!
  • Brent Mustangburger: Hold everything! A tow truck has just raced onto the track, and he's driving backwards!
  • (Professor Z then hesitates, upon seeing this on the television.)
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, wait! (drives after him, while the others watch)
  • David Hobbscap: Normally an emergency vehicle on the track means there's been an accident.
  • Brent Mustangburger: Wait, wait! Lightning McQueen is chasing him!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, wait!
  • Mater: Stay back! If you get close to me, you're going to get hurt real bad! (drives around the Victoria Memorial)
  • Lightning McQueen: I know I made you feel that way before, but none of that matters! Because we're best friends!
  • (The spectators, as well as the Queen, Prince Wheeliam, and all watch frowningly as McQueen tries to reason with Mater.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: And McQueen seems to be having a conversation with the tow truck.
  • Darrell Cartrip: I don't know who that truck is, Brent, but I'll tell you what, he's got to be the world's best backwards driver.
  • Professor Zündapp: (chuckles and moves his tire slowly towards the detonate button)
  • Mater: (turning around so to drive forwards) McQueen, you don't get it! I'm the bomb!
  • Lightning McQueen: Yes, Mater! You are the bomb! That's what I'm trying to say here! You've always been the bomb and you'll always be the bomb.
  • Mater: Stay away!
  • Lightning McQueen: No! Never! (goes even faster)
  • Professor Zündapp: Almost there.
  • Lightning McQueen: I'm not letting you get away again! (grabs onto Mater's hook)
  • Mater: Got to keep away from McQueen!
  • Computer: Request acknowledged. (makes rockets pop out of Mater's rear deck)
  • Lightning McQueen: Oh, my gosh!
  • (The rockets then activate, and McQueen ducks as the flames shoot out, making Mater go even faster. Professor Z then presses the detonate button, but the remote makes bleeping noises and says "Out of range". Professor Z then looks up to see on the television that Mater is going too fast for the remote to get into range with the bomb. Groaning, Professor Z repeatedly presses the button very quickly by millisecond. Mater then passes Francesco, who gets freaked out at what he sees.)
  • Mater: Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!
  • Francesco Bernoulli: What is happening?! It's a bad dream!
  • (Mater then drives through the barrier at the following curve and off the racetrack, as spectators get out of the way.)
  • Brent Mustangburger: And Lightning McQueen just blasted away, hooked to the now rocket-propelled tow truck.
  • (While Brent is talking, Team McQueen see what has happened on the TV, as Mater and McQueen rush along the streets and through the traffic at a tremendous speed.)
  • Professor Zündapp: (still repeatedly pressing the detonate button) Gargh! (grunts, then groans as he gives up, then sees Holley hovering in front of him) Huh? (sees Holley popping out her guns) AAGH! (turns around and breaks through the plate glass window, landing on top of a Globie inflatable display, before fleeing)
  • J. Curby Gremlin: The professor's on the run!
  • Tubbs Pacer: Someone's gotta get McQueen!
  • Vladimir Trunkov: Gah! Get McQueen!
  • Finn McMissile: Holley, I'll get Zündapp. You help Mater.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Got it!
  • Francesco Bernoulli: (as Holley flies past him) WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!
  • (The screen then shows Professor Z as he rushes through the streets, almost causing a taxi and bus to collide into each other. Professor Z is then rushing along the South Bank on the riverside pathway and under Tyre Bridge, where he finds Tony Trihull, the battleship, at the other side on the River Thames.)
  • Tony Trihull: Hurry, Professor!
  • (Just then, Finn jumps off the bridge and onto the pathway, shooting his grappling hooks at Professor Z.)
  • Professor Zündapp: (upon being hit by the grappling hooks) Aah!
  • Finn McMissile: (yanking Professor Z back) Argh! Do you really think I'm going to let you float away, Professor?!
  • (But Professor Z then drags forwards, and Finn strains as he tries to hold Professor Z back, but is unable to because Professor Z is being pulled by Tony's giant magnet. Professor Z's roof rack and monocle start getting attracted by the magnet, and Finn gets his deployable machines guns out, but they get pulled off by the magnet, which also pulls Professor Z's monocle. A couple of missiles then get pulled out of Finn's left headlight and stick to the magnet, then Tony prepares to shoot missiles at Finn. Meanwhile, Mater is still rushing through the streets with McQueen holding onto him.)
  • Mater: McQueen, let go!
  • Lightning McQueen: Never!
  • George Gremlin: (sees them going past, then talks through the radio to Grem and Acer) Hey, they're coming your way.
  • Grem: Let's go!
  • Acer: (cackles)
  • (Both Grem and Acer make a U-turn. Meanwhile, Tony is pointing the laser from his missile launcher at Finn, and shoots two missiles at him one-by-one, but Finn dodges them.)
  • Professor Zündapp: Give it up, McMissile!!
  • (A few seconds later, Finn deploys a big number of small explosives, which all get pulled onto the magnet. Tony then looks at the magnet, and gets shocked as he sees the explosives flashing their lights and bleeping rapidly. The camera quickly changes shot to above the buildings as an explosion occurs, with water shooting up into the air. Holley then catches up to Mater and McQueen while in flight mode.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Mater, stop!
  • Mater: No way! You could get hurt!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (gasps as she sees Grem and Acer up in the distance with their guns deployed) Oh, no.
  • (Mater and McQueen continue speeding through the streets, dodging the traffic ahead of them. As Grem and Acer close in on them, Holley comes down in front of them, causing them to slam into her and go up in the air.)
  • Grem and Acer: Aaaaahhh!
  • (They then crash into the Ye Turn Left Inn, where they knock down all of the tables, and spill drinks over the customers, who all get angered, and snarl as they surround Grem and Acer, and the camera moves outside the pub as the customers all attack Grem and Acer, who are both heard groaning.)
  • (Mater and McQueen come to a stop on a crossroad, as Holley appears.)
  • Holley Shiftwell: Mater, we've got to get that bomb off you. (scans the bomb)
  • Lightning McQueen: Bomb?
  • Mater: Yeah, they strapped it to me to kill you as a back-up plan.
  • Lightning McQueen: Back-up plan? Mater, who put a bomb on you?
  • (Just then, Finn comes up with Professor Z tied up.)
  • Professor Zündapp: You! Why didn't my death ray kill you?!
  • Lightning McQueen: Death ray?!
  • Finn McMissile: Turn off the bomb, Zündapp!
  • Professor Zündapp: Are you all so dense? It's voice-activated. Everything is voice-activated these days.
  • Mater: Deactivate! Deactivate!
  • Bomb: Voice denied. (the bomb activates to explode in 5 minutes)
  • Mater: Huh!
  • Professor Zündapp: Oops! Did I forget to mention that it can only be disarmed by the one who activated it?
  • Holley Shiftwell: (unfolds her shock guns) Say it!
  • Professor Zündapp: Deactivate.
  • Bomb: Voice denied. (a minute was taken off the timer)
  • Mater: Wha...?!
  • Professor Zündapp: I'm not the one who activated it. Would anyone else like to try? (gets shocked by Holley's shock guns) Ah!
  • Finn McMissile: You read my mind
  • Holley Shiftwell: (scoffs) He was getting on my nerves.
  • Lightning McQueen: What do we do?
  • Victor Hugo: (as he and the rest of the lemons surround them all) It's very simple! You blow up.
  • Lightning McQueen: I'm gonna go out on a limb here. These are the guys that want me dead, correct?
  • Vladimir Trunkov: It's nothing personal.
  • Mater: (to all the lemons) Fellers, listen. I know what you're going through. Everybody's been laughing at me my whole life too. But becoming powerful and rich beyond your wildest dreams ain't gonna make you feel better.
  • (As they listen, the lemons consider.)
  • J. Curby Gremlin: (deploying his gun) Yeah, but it's worth a shot!
  • (Suddenly, from behind them, Red shoots water at the Gremlins, with Sally joining him, causing them to overturn and flip, with Curby landing on his front behind a metal fence.)
  • (Finn uses his grappling hooks to move up into the air and pull four lemons towards each other, while Holley uses her wings to carry two other thugs and make them hit a few others. Two of the lemons try to take part, but then Guido takes off their tires.)
  • Guido: Pit stop!
  • (Flo also arrives, shining her headlights into Vladimir's eyes, making enough time for Sheriff to put a parking boot on Vladimir's left rear tire.)
  • Sheriff: Not today, boys!
  • (Vladimir tries to move, but gives up when he is unable to move with the parking boot on. Guido then moves away another thug, yelling in Italian.)
  • (Ivan tries to ram into McQueen, but Mater defends, punching him away as well as a couple more of the lemons thugs, and yells as he uses his tow hook to throw Tubbs Pacer towards Ramone, who sprays paint over his eyes. He then sees Finn, Mater, McQueen, Holley, the other Radiator Springs residents and the rest of the team all watching angrily at him and the other lemons.)
  • Tubbs Pacer: Retreat! (flees along with the remaining thugs, but immediately finds Sarge and the army confronting them)
  • Sarge: Thanks for the help, Corporal.
  • Josh Coolant: Anything for one of Pop's mates.
  • (After all the lemons have been arrested, Guido is trying to get the bomb off Mater with his wheel gun, but the bolts would not come off. He is with McQueen, and Luigi, while the Radiator Springs residents, Finn and Holley are watching from barriers put up around the area by the police, while Professor Z is still unconscious.)
  • Guido: (shouts in Italian, throws his wheel gun towards the ground, and leaves)
  • Lightning McQueen: (to Luigi) Wh... What's he saying? What's wrong?
  • Luigi: None of his wrenches fit the bolts!
  • Mater: (looks and then gets a sudden realization) I get it. I get it! I know what needs to be done.
  • Lightning McQueen: Then do it!
  • Mater: What? No. I can't do it. Look, nobody takes me seriously. I know that now. This ain't Radiator Springs.
  • Lightning McQueen: Yes, it is. Look, you're yourself in Radiator Springs. Be yourself here. And if...if people aren't taking you seriously, then they need to change, not you. I know that now because I was wrong before. Now, you can do this. You're the bomb.
  • (While McQueen is talking, Mater starts to feel better)
  • Mater: Thanks, buddy.
  • Lightning McQueen: No, no, no, you're the actual bomb. Now, let's go!
  • Mater: Oh, right! Hang on! (hooks up to McQueen, and drives away)
  • Finn McMissile: Where's he going?
  • Mater: (as they drive through the traffic) Computer!
  • Computer: Yes, Agent Mater?
  • Mater: I need that thing you done before to get me away from McQueen!
  • Computer: Request acknowledged. (brings out Mater's rockets and activates them)
  • Lightning McQueen: (as they see the road ending at a T junction) Uh, Mater?
  • Mater: (to his computer) Now I need you to do the chute! The second kind, not the first!
  • Computer: Deploying chute.
  • Lightning McQueen: (as they get lifted up into the air) Ah... Aah!
  • (Mater and McQueen are flying over London's buildings, around St Paul's Cathedral, over St. James's Park, and then head towards Buckingham Palace, where Axlerod is with the Queen, Prince William, and the spectators on the platform.)
  • The Queen: Who's winning the race?
  • (As soon as Mater and McQueen land on the platform, the bodyguards immediately get in front of them, attempting to protect the Queen.)
  • Mike Lorengine: Back off! Back away!
  • The Queen: Ooh! It's Lightning McQueen!
  • Bodyguard: Get back!
  • Lightning McQueen: No, no, it's OK!
  • Lightning McQueen: OK, t-tell 'em, Mater. Explain.
  • Mater: Okay! Somebody's been sabotaging the racers and hurtin' the cars, and I know who. Oh, wait. Your Majesties. (bows)
  • Bodyguards: (noticing the bomb on Mater) Bomb! It's a bomb! (all getting their guns out) Freeze! Everybody, down! Back up! Move it!
  • Crowd members around the racetrack: (evacuating) Aaaaaahhh!!!!! (continue clamoring)
  • (The Radiator Springs residents then watch from the Victoria Memorial as the bodyguards draw their guns at Mater and McQueen.)
  • Bodyguard: Get off the stage! Move it!
  • Finn McMissile: (arriving along with Holley) Hold your fire! He can't disarm it! Mater, I don't know what you're doing, but stand down now!
  • Mater: This ain't nothing at all like Radiator Springs.
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, just cut to the chase!
  • Mater: Okay. It's him! (points to Axlerod)
  • Miles Axlerod: What?! Me? You've got to be crazy.
  • Mater: I figured it out when I realized y'all attached this ticking time bomb with Whitworth bolts - the same bolts that hold together that old British engine from the photograph. Holley! Show that picture.
  • Holley Shiftwell: OK. (gets the photo up on her on-board computer)
  • Mater: And then I remembered what they say about old British engines: if there ain't no oil under 'em, there ain't no oil in 'em.
  • Miles Axlerod: What is he talking about?
  • Mater: It was you leaking oil at the party in Japan. You just blamed it on me.
  • Miles Axlerod: (to Mater) Electric cars don't use oil, you twit!
  • Mater: Then you're fakin' it. You didn't convert to no electric. (getting closer and closer to Axlerod) If we pop that hood, we gonna see that engine from that picture right there.
  • Miles Axlerod: This lorry's crazy! He's going to kill us all! (gets cornered, almost falling off the platform) Stay away!
  • Holley Shiftwell: But Sir Axlerod created the race, Mater. Why would he want to hurt anyone?
  • Mater: To make Allinol look bad so everybody'd go back to using oil. I mean, he said it himself with that disguised voice.
  • Miles Axlerod: Disguised voice?! What are you talking about? You're nuts, you are!
  • Prince William: This is going nowhere fast. We really should go, Grandmother.
  • The Queen: One moment, I'd like to see where this is going.
  • Finn McMissile: Mater, he created Allinol.
  • Mater: Yeah, but what if he found that huge oil field just as the world was trying to find something else? What if he came up with Allinol just to make alternative fuel look bad?
  • Miles Axlerod: "What if?" You're basing this on a "what if"?!
  • Bodyguard 1: Okay, that's it!
  • Bodyguard 2: (as they and the police move the Queen, Prince William, and the spectators away from the bomb) Come on, lads, clear out.
  • Miles Axlerod: Wait! Somebody save me! The lorry's crazy! Keep away, you idiot!
  • Finn McMissile: Mater!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (as the bomb's clock ticks to eight seconds) Mater!
  • Miles Axlerod: Someone do something!
  • (Several of the police officers close their eyes, and one by one, Finn, Holley, and McQueen close their eyes as well, as the camera shows the timer saying three seconds.)
  • Miles Axlerod: You're insane, you are! Deactivate!!
  • (Then the bomb's clock stops at one second, and shows "Voice accepted, deactivated".)
  • Bomb: Bomb deactivated. Have a nice day, Sir Axlerod. (displays a message of its dialogue, with a smiley face at the end)
  • (Axlerod then pants as two police officers turn up beside him, and Mater uses his hook to open Axlerod's hood, showing his engine as it revs.)
  • Finn McMissile: The engine from the photo.
  • Holley Shiftwell: It's a perfect match.
  • Miles Axlerod: How did the tow truck figure it out?
  • Lightning McQueen: And it's official. You're coming to all my races from now on.
  • Mater: Now you're talkin'! (does a high five with McQueen)
  • (The screen then shows Buckingham Palace at dusk, as many visitors stand behind the gates, while a fanfare is heard performing "Rule, Britannia!". Inside, Mater is trying to get the attention of one of the foot guards.)
  • Mater: Hyeeugh! (makes garbled noises, then tongue noises)
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater, let's go! You're on.
  • (They enter the throne room, where the others are part of the crowd. Meanwhile, the two guards at the door make salutes.)
  • Sir Harley Gassup: Your Majesties, may I present for the investiture of honorary knighthood of the British Realm, Tow Mater of Radiator Springs!
  • Lightning McQueen: (to Mater) Go get 'em, buddy. (joins his friends from Radiator Springs)
  • (Mater then bows in front of the Queen, who takes out her sword used for knighting and gently taps it on him.)
  • The Queen: (tapping the sword gently on each of Mater's sides) We hereby dub thee Sir Tow Mater.
  • Crowd: (all cheer)
  • Mater: Sir? Shoot, you can just call me Mater, Your Majesty. I don't wanna hear none of this "sir" business.
  • Mater: By the way, have y'all met each other? Queen, McQueen. McQueen, Queen. McQueen, McMissile. McMissile, McQueen. Queen, McMissile.
  • (The screen then shows the Radiator Springs billboard, which now has Mater's picture, before showing a view of Radiator Springs as it scrolls to show Mater at Flo's V8 Cafe with McQueen and the other Radiator Springs residents as he tells the visitors, as well as Van and Minny, about their adventure.)
  • Mater: So there we was, my rocket jets going full blast, McQueen hanging on for dear life when suddenly them two nasty lemons come out of nowheres, guns drawed. We was goners. But then, out of nowhere this beautiful spy car swoops in from the sky to save us!
  • Minny: That's a very entertaining story, young man.
  • Van: Oh, Minny, please. Come on! None of this happened! Rocket jets, flying spy cars.
  • Holley Shiftwell: (swoops down onto the ground) No, you're quite right! It does sound a bit far-fetched.
  • Mater: Holley! What are you doin' here?
  • Holley Shiftwell: Hello, Mater! It's so good to see you again.
  • Mater: (notices Finn arrive) Finn!
  • Finn McMissile: Our satellites picked up an urgent communiqué.
  • Luigi: So you got-a my email.
  • Mater: Oh, man. Y'all is going to have a great time! (to the visitors) Everybody, this here's Finn McMissile. He's a secret agent. Don't tell nobody! And this is Holley Shiftwell. She's...
  • Holley Shiftwell: I'm Mater's girlfriend. It's so nice to meet you all.
  • Guido: (his jaw drops, and his forks hit the ground with a clang)
  • Luigi: Guido believe you now.
  • Flo: Whoa, honey. You got a nasty dent there.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Yeah.
  • Van: Was that from when you swooped in and you saved them in London?
  • Minny: Van!
  • Van: What? I'm just asking!
  • Flo: Ah, don't you worry, sweet pea. My baby Ramone can get that fixed up for you in no time.
  • Ramone: Yeah, sure thing, man. No problemo. Just let me go get my tools.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Oh, no, no. I-I'm keeping that dent. It's way too valuable.
  • Mater: (grins)
  • Lizzie: A valuable dent? Oh, she's as crazy as Mater!
  • Mack: Oh, those two are perfect for each other.
  • Lightning McQueen: You know, there's one thing I still don't get. The bad guys hit me with the beam from the camera, right? So, why didn't I, you know...
  • Mater: Explode in a fiery inferno?
  • Lightning McQueen: Yeah.
  • Finn McMissile: We couldn't figure that one out, either.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Our investigation proved that Allinol was actually gasoline and Axlerod engineered it so that when it got hit by the beam, it would explode.
  • Lightning McQueen: Wait a second, Fillmore. You said my fuel was safe!
  • (Everyone turns towards Fillmore.)
  • Fillmore: If you're implying that I switched out that rot-gut excuse for alternative fuel with my all-natural, sustainable, organic biofuel just because I never trusted Axlerod, you're dead wrong, man! It was him! (points to Sarge)
  • Sarge: Once big oil, always big oil, man.
  • Fillmore: Tree-hugger.
  • (Then the screen shows a banner saying "Radiator Springs Grand Prix", before moving down to show Sheriff driving slowly along the main road with the World Grand Prix racers behind him, with spectators watching beside hay bales being used as barriers.)
  • Sheriff: The Radiator Springs Grand Prix is about to begin. All spectators, clear the starting line.
  • Lewis Hamilton: Man, I can't wait to get rockin'. This is gonna be wicked!
  • Jeff Gorvette: Yeah, we should do this every year.
  • Lightning McQueen: Yeah, I just figured we never found out who the world's fastest car is. Plus, no press, no trophy, just racing. The way I like it.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Francesco likes it like this, too.
  • Lightning McQueen: Francesco, I'd like you to meet...
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Signorina Sally. It is official. Lightning McQueen is the luckiest car in the world.
  • Sally Carrera: Why, thank you. (chuckles)
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Which he will have to be to have a chance against Francesco today! (backs up) See you at the finish line, Mc... (notices a label on McQueen's back bumper saying "Ka-ciao, Francesco!") What is that?
  • Lightning McQueen: Ah, just something I had made up for the occasion.
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Is-a good, McQueen. Very funny. Was-a funnier when I did it, but it's-a very funny. What are you going to do next? Are you going to take off your fenders? Try it. You'll like it. (leaves to join the grid)
  • Sally Carrera: So, he's not so good-looking.
  • Lightning McQueen: Yeah. Nice try.
  • Sally Carrera: I'm serious!
  • Lightning McQueen: That's why I love you, Sally. (leaves to join the grid) Wish me luck!
  • Sally Carrera: You don't need it!
  • Flo: Ooh-hm! That Francesco is fine-looking!
  • Sally Carrera: And those open wheels.
  • Flo: Ooh, I'm gonna have to go get myself some coolant!
  • (The screen then shows the racers as they are lined up on the road at the traffic light, as they rev their engines. Theme music for the Radiator Springs Grand Prix is heard playing. The traffic light turns green, and the racers set off through the town towards the courthouse, while Mia, Tia, Van, Minny and Todd the Pizza Planet truck are all seen in the crowd.)
  • Mia and Tia: Go, Lightning!
  • (After they go around the bend at the courthouse, the screen then skips to show them racing along the road across the desert, as Lewis Hamilton and Jeff Gorvette race for each other's position, Raoul ÇaRoule drives on the dirt beside the road, and Lightning McQueen and Francesco Bernoulli fight for first place, before the racers all go around Willy's Butte. They all continue, with the order being McQueen, Francesco, Carla, Raoul, Shu, Rip, Jeff, Lewis, Nigel, Miguel and Max. Meanwhile, Mater, Finn, Holley, Sally, Red, Fillmore, Sarge, Luigi, Guido, Ramone, Flo, and Sheriff are watching from an area beside the road before it heads to Willy's Butte.)
  • Sally Carrera: Go, Stickers!
  • Fillmore: Right on, man!
  • Flo: Go get 'em, tiger!
  • Ramone: Bravo, bravo!
  • Luigi: Go, Lightning, go!
  • Mater: Go, McQueen! Whoo-hoo!
  • Holley Shiftwell: (getting a bleeping sound from her projection lamp, as Siddeley arrives) Finn? Time to go. Siddeley's gassed, geared and ready to fly.
  • Mater: You're leavin' already?
  • Finn McMissile: We've got another mission, Mater. Just stopped by here to pick something up.
  • Mater: Somethin' tells me you're not talkin' about souvenir bumper stickers.
  • Finn McMissile: Her Majesty asked for you personally, Mater.
  • Mater: But I told y'all before, I'm not a spy.
  • Holley Shiftwell: We know.
  • Finn McMissile: (to Mater) Spy or not, you're still the smartest, most honest chap we've ever met.
  • Holley Shiftwell: Don't forget massively charming.
  • Mater: Well, thanks. (to Finn and Holley) But as much fun as it was hangin' with y'all, this... (looks towards the townsfolk, who are all shouting excitedly) This is home.
  • Holley Shiftwell: That's all right. We understand. (to Mater) But I'll be back. You still owe me that first date.
  • Finn McMissile: (to Mater) And if there's ever anything I can do for you, just let me know.
  • Mater: Well, I sure appreciate that. Thank you. Actually, there is one thing.
  • (Then the screen shows Mater going very fast on the road leading up to Radiator Springs with his rocket jets.)
  • Mater: Whoo-hoo! (laughs) Whoo-ee! I'll be doggone!
  • Otis: (sighs, then gasps to see Mater, who then grabs him with his hook, with Otis' hubcaps and the dust on him falling off) Whoa, whoa, whoa! (as he gets tossed into Ramone's House of Body Art) Thanks, Mater!
  • (As Mater rushes through the town, the wind blows maps out of Van's luggage carrier, and Mater zooms past the statue of Stanley, which spins around very fast before landing back in place. Mater then goes around Willy's Butte.)
  • (Mater then starts going past the racers.)
  • Mater: Ha-ha-ha! Whoo! (overtaking Francesco) Whoo-hoo!
  • Francesco Bernoulli: Impossible!
  • Mater: (catching up to McQueen) Ha-ha!
  • Lightning McQueen: Mater!
  • Mater: Check it out. They let me keep the rockets!
  • Lightning McQueen: I'll see you at the finish line, buddy! (accelerates)
  • Mater: Not if I see you first! (accelerates) Yippee!

((The screen is then shown in the air as McQueen and Mater race off into the distance, followed by Francesco, Carla, Raoul, Jeff, Lewis, Rip, Miguel, Nigel, Shu and Max. Siddeley then appears, winking to the audience, before flying away, as the screen fades out.)

  • (The end credits then show (like this) as "Collision of Worlds" and then lastly "Nobody's Fool" play.)