C.H.R.O.M.E.: Difference between revisions

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5,717 bytes added ,  24 January 2022
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RodRedBot (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia: Text replacement, replaced: Category:Organizations/Bands/Teams → Category:Organizations)
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*[[Petrov Trunkov]]
*[[Petrov Trunkov]]
== Computer Quotes ==
=== Cars 2: The Video Game ===
* "Go!"
* "Energy gained."
* "Energy Leech deployed."
* "In the Zone, ready."
* "Turbo ready."
* "Mission complete."
* "Mission ended."
* "Stop mission."
* "End of Simulation."
* "Energy Leech acquired."
* "Five."
* "Enemy detected."
* "Target acquired."
* "Scanning activated."
* "Professor Z located."
* "Target compromised."
* "Drop successful."
* "Direct hit."
* "Targets destroyed."
* "To survive a Professor Z attack, do not let your shield run out of power."
* "For every car you disable, you will be granted more time to participate."
* "Four, three, two, one. Time is up!"
* "Simulation terminated."
* "Mission failed."
* "Has the disruptor."
* "Alpha Team has placed a disruptor."
* "The disruptor is at the rendezvous point."
* "Has obtained the disruptor."
* "Beta Team is victorious."
* "Is about to win."
* "Use C.H.R.O.M.E.'s disruptor gadget to destroy the opposing team's base."
* "Pick up weapons to attack your opponents."
* "Incoming enemies."
* "Warning! High level weapon in play."
* "Welcome back."
* "Agent deployed."
* "Agent deployed, and, go!"
* "Directive acomplished."
* "Machine Guns acquired."
* "Combat and Attack engaged."
* "RC Skate Jack procured."
* "You've received instant In the Zone capabilities."
* "Deploy your current weapon to obtain another."
* "Has lost the disruptor."
* "Homing device activated."
* "Combat boost armed."
* "One minute remaining."
* "30 seconds remaining."
* "10 seconds remaining."
* "Warning! You have been targeted."
* "Energy drain identified."
* "First place, congratulations."
* "Second place, well done."
* "Third place, congratulations."
* "Badge acquired."
* "You've obtained a badge."
* "Alpha Base activated."
* "Beta Base activated."
* "Enemy creator activated."
* "Score counter ready."
* "Welcome to the Disruptor Challenge. Find the Disruptor and place it in the opposing team's base. If you take damage while carrying the disruptor, you will drop it."
* "Welcome to the Arena Challenge. Your goal is to eliminate the other players using the available weaponry."
* "Gattling Gun activated."
* "Evasive maneuvers."
* "Rocket fuel depleted."
* "Activating parachute."
* "Simulation terminated."
* "Simulation complete."
* "Mission acomplished."
* "This is a Battle Race. Your goal is to cross the finish line first while using weapons to attack and deter your opponents."
* "Hostile targets identified: Grem and Acer."
* "Hostile target identified: Professor Z."
* "Combination attack achieved."
* "Multiple attack achieved."
* "Sniper shot."
* "Martial arts attack achieved."
* "Improvised attack achieved."
* "Damage critical."
* "Welcome to the Hunter Challenge. Eliminate enemies as quickly as you can."
* "Congratulations agents, mission acomplished."
* "Delivered the Intel."
* "In a racing challenge, you must cross the finish line first."
* "Machine Guns activated."
* "Switching to Leech Mine."
* "Targeting transferred."
* "You're clear. Verification approved. Proceed."
* "Access granted."
* "Selection accepted."
* "Computing..."
* "Crest criteria, complete."
* "New cars unlocked."
* "New cars available."
* "New car unlocked."
* "New car available."
* "New skins unlocked."
* "New skin unlocked."
* "Garage accessed."
* "Welcome to the Garage."
* "Car recruited."
* "New car joining C.H.R.O.M.E.'s training simulation."
* "Welcome to C.H.R.O.M.E.'s squad series. You must compete in a series of events against a squadron of C.H.R.O.M.E. agents to see who is the top agent."
* "Squad series activated."
* "Squad series initiated."
* "Final squad series mission."
* "You are the squad series winner."
* "Congratulations, would you like a rematch in squad series?"
* "Pursuit mode. Track and intercept Professor Z's transmissions as you tail his agents around the track. Decode the transmissions before the time runs out."
* "Hunter mode. Try and eliminate as many opponents as you can while fighting off Professor Z and his lemons."
* "Race mode. Race against the other trainees to see who is the fastest."
* "Battle race. Utilizing weapons and driving skill, attempt to beat the other agents across the finish line."
* "Survive mode. Race to capture Professor Z's lemons while avoiding attacks from above. Your shields will protect you as long as they maintain power."
* "Attack mode. Stay alive and take down as many Lemons as you can while racing around the track."
* "Arena mode. Eliminate your competition via weaponry and driving skill while traveling through this free roam area. The agent who eliminates the most recruits, wins."
* "Disruptor mode. Use the disruptor to disable the opposing team's base before they can do the same to you."
* "You now have enough spy experience to open up a new clearance level."
* "Access denied."
* "Progression mission selected."
* "Run simulation."
* "Simulation uploading."
* "Simulation activated."
* "Restricted area."
* "You have not reached this clearance level."
* "Where would you like to go?"
* "Well done, a new level is cleared."
* "Missile launcher acquired."
* "Oil trap acquired."
* "Oil Slick acquired."
* "Satellite Laser acquired."
* "Disruptor acquired."
* "Weapon acquired."
* "Gadget acquired."
* "Defense shield activating."
* "Shield energy depleted."
* "Warning! Shield energy at critical state."
* "Sheilds at maximum strength."
* "Mission successful."
* "Shield energy gained."
* "Shield energy lost."
* "Energy Bonus achieved."
* "Blue Team."
* "Red Team."
* "Green Team."
* "Yellow Team."
* "Red Base activated."
* "Blue Base activated."
* "Green Base activated."
* "Yellow Base activated."
* "Red Base destroyed."
* "Blue Base destroyed."
* "Green Base destroyed."
* "Yellow Base destroyed."  <br />


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